Tonight’s high school fast pitch game has been moved from Perkins to Firelake Ballfields. Varsity will be at 5:30pm with JV to follow. Please come out to support our athletes!
Make sure you have your student enrolled at MJH. Schedules are being emailed out or may be picked up by appointment. Tune in tonight for Online Orientation at 6:00. You should hear from your home room teacher today.
Hello! Join us at 6 PM for the 2020-2021 Freshman Orientation. This year will be totally virtual, so use the link below to get there:
See you on the 17th!
Correction to Intermediate Orientation. Intermediate Orientation will be released on the Intermediate Facebook page starting on Thursday, August 13th.
Football Parent Meeting tomorrow (Friday 8/7/2020) at 7:00pm at the football field. We will meet in the football stands. This is for HS and JH. We will introduce new coaches as well. During the parent meeting, we will also hand out equipment to HS and JH players. Please make plans to attend. We have some important things to cover. Please spread the word. If you have any questions please contact Coach Hall at
Important information for the high school! Please call the office if you have questions!
Important dates for McLoud JH. Call if you have any questions.
Freshman Orientation will be on the High School Facebook page starting Monday August 10th at 6:00 pm!
Good evening. This is a friendly reminder about online enrollment. Please be aware that whether you plan to come back to traditional school or are going the distance learning route, all students must enroll online. Building administrators are waiting for enrollment to be completed before assigning teachers. We hope to have this finalized by this Friday.
Remember that if you need assistance setting up a guardian account or completing the enrollment, people are on site to assist you. Please contact the office and make an appointment!
Finally, there will be a special board meeting Wednesday at 6:00 to present the final Return to School Plan.
In an effort to answer the questions voiced on social media, we created a video to help with answers. Please use the link below to view the video:
JH Parents:
We will have our first three football practices on August 11th, 12th, and 13th at the football field. 6:00 in the evening. These will be mandatory practices and heavy on conditioning and acclimatization. Please note that and get physicals done. Please spread the word. If you have any questions please email Coach Hall at
McLoud Public Schools would like to extend a huge THANK YOU to McLoud First United Methodist Church. They presented Mr. Stanley and Mrs. Hockenbury with 500 washable cloth masks this morning.
Parents/Guardians- There will be two academic options for the start of the 20-21 school year. Option 1 is traditional face-to-face instruction. Option 2 is our virtual option. Here is some information regarding both. If you have any questions regarding virtual school or would like to see what it might look like for your student, please call the administrator at your student's site. Administrators and counselors will be happy to speak with you regarding any questions or concerns that you have moving forward.
OPTION 1: Face-to-face instruction is expected to serve approximately 80% of our students according to current enrollment numbers. This is our traditional school day with all classes being taught on school sites.
OPTION 2: A virtual option will be available.
Parent Guide to Google Classroom
PreK - 1st grade will be given weekly packets. Caregivers will be responsible for day-to-day instruction using the materials in the packet. Parents/guardians will be responsible for drop-off and pick-up of packets.
2nd- 12th grades will have the option of weekly packets or virtual learning from our certified staff via a Google Classroom platform.
The Google classroom platform will vary from class to class as it will reflect the teacher’s personality and individual teaching style. Instruction may be delivered in a number of ways A) live by the classroom teacher, B) recorded videos of the teacher, C) videos from other sources, D) videos that are part of the classroom textbook E) other methods selected by the teacher. Academic activities will be assigned. Activities may include but are not limited to A) practice problems, B) comprehension questions, C) MAPS skills, D) games, E) Exact Path skills (State Department Curriculum), F) Zoom or virtual meetings, G) group activities, H) Reading Eggs, I) Math Seeds, J) Moby Max,
K) Newsela, L) Khan Academy, M) other activities assigned by the teacher. Activities will be completed and turned in via Google Classroom. Teachers will be available via email during school hours and will provide virtual assistance when possible. It is highly recommended that parents/guardians monitor student progress on a regular basis.
This will look much different than it did last spring! This will be OUR curriculum delivered to students by our certified staff. Regular grades will be taken as well as attendance.
Summer Pride / TAC update Wednesday 7/29
ATTENTION: since radar is the only thing we have to go by, we will split guys and girls. Girls workout 8:00-9:00. Guys go 9:00-10:00. We will try to stay outside as long as possible. We’re assuming an hour ahead of time that the radar will stay the same and it will rain pretty good once it gets here.
We will have TAC rain or not tomorrow. If it is raining, girls will workout first from 8:00-9:00. Girls will report to the JH locker room on the west side of the field house to check in and take temperature. Then report to the weight room. Guys will workout from 9:00-10:00. Guys will report to JH locker room also to check in and take temperatures. We will post in the morning if we split the times so that guys know whether to show up at 8:00 or 9:00.
Make sure you have your masks and a pair of tennis shoes.
Youth Football Message
TAC/summer pride is cancelled today, Tuesday 7/28, due to the wet conditions. An updated format will be announced for the rest of the week.
August 7th:
Parent Meeting/Equipment Checkout
for HS & JH. 7:00 p.m.
August 10th:
First day of MANDATORY practice for
HS (9-12th) only.
5:00 p.m.-8:00p.m.
August 14th:
Red/White Scrimmage. 7:00 p.m.
August 20th:
Scrimmage (Home) vs. Chandler/Crooked Oak.
6:00 p.m.
August 28th:
FIRST GAME vs. Classen SAS
Attention cross country athletes:
JH cross country starts tomorrow (7/21) morning at 7. You will need to bring running shoes and you will meet outside the High School West building. If you have any questions please email Coach Anderson
High School Cross Country will have it’s first practice tomorrow morning, July 15 at 7:00. Bring running shoes and meet outside the high school west building. If there are any questions or concerns please email
Coach Anderson at