High School Cross Country will have it’s first practice tomorrow morning, July 15 at 7:00. Bring running shoes and meet outside the high school west building. If there are any questions or concerns please email Coach Anderson at janderson@mcloudschools.us.
over 4 years ago, Chris Olds
2020-2021 McLoud Public Schools Calendar
over 4 years ago, Rhonda Hockenbury
Summer pride workouts are cancelled for today, Monday July 13.
over 4 years ago, Chris Olds
Parents/Guardians, if you are having trouble enrolling your student(s) it may be because you are using the student account. You must have a guardian account to complete enrollment. Please email the building contact person and they can get one set up for you. Please be patient, as this is a new system and we are doing our very best to make this process as painless as possible. It may take a few days for our staff to get back with everyone. This delay will in no way impact your student. Thank you. ECC Ashley Creed acreed@mcloudschools.us Elementary Jeanette Bell jbell@mcloudschools.us Intermediate Lisa Peterman lpeterman@mcloudschools.us Junior High Alicia Payne apayne@mcloudschools.us High School Sherri Aubert saubert@mcloudschools.us
over 4 years ago, Rhonda Hockenbury
We were made aware today that our app was no longer available through the Apple Play store. We apologize for any inconvenience this has caused. We have corrected the issue and the app is now available. Download the "McLoud Proud" app to stay up to date on news related to McLoud Public Schools.
over 4 years ago, Rhonda Hockenbury
Parents/Guardians: Please take a moment to complete this survey for the 2020-2021 school year. We appreciate your feedback. Thank you. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1xVsLQKu0D_2_vtsALBcxSkR7AvF4BNTcgJf7QyyNwkM/viewform?edit_requested=true
over 4 years ago, Ken Thompson
Parents and Athletes: If it is raining tomorrow morning, we will cancel workouts. It will eliminate us being outside, which means we do not have enough inside space to accommodate everyone while adhering to our safety protocols. Coach Hall will post a for sure Closed/Open at least 40 minutes prior to workouts beginning.
over 4 years ago, Chris Olds
The yearbooks for ECC, Elementary, and Intermediate are here! Ms. Kimsey will be passing them out in the park across from the school on Tuesday from 5-8pm.
over 4 years ago, Andrew Winters
Oh how I love these student athletes and their coaches! I would like to give a great big shout out to the McLoud Football Program. Thank you so much for helping move the "big stuff" into our new building. We couldn't have done it without you.
over 4 years ago, Angie Drew
Teacher table in tow...
Smile ladies!
A little bit of fun...
Moving Crew
June 16, 2020 Dear McLoud Family, It is hard to believe that another school year has come to an end. A strange end indeed, but an end all the same. We experienced many new adventures this spring. I am certain we will be strengthened by this journey and that it will help us to appreciate the little things. I would like to take this opportunity to thank the students, staff, and community for their support for the last three years. It truly has been a pleasure to serve as the high school principal. I built lasting relationships with many wonderful people. Furthermore, I got to learn and grow along with each of you. For these and a million other reasons, I am truly grateful. I have accepted a new position in the district and am currently making that transition. I will be the Executive Director of Administrators/Curriculum and Instruction. I am excited at the new challenge and hope to continue to serve the McLoud district to the very best of my abilities. In closing, I wish you all a very happy, safe, and enjoyable summer. Go Redskins! Sincerely, Rhonda Hockenbury
over 4 years ago, Rhonda Hockenbury
MJH 20-21 school supply list
over 4 years ago, Melanne Greenwood
Attention Athletes: The board will hear the plan on bringing athletes back for workouts and other activities on Monday, June 8th. If approved, we will begin workouts the next morning, June 9th. There would be two sessions that athletes could attend. The first at 8:00-9:30 a.m. The second session would take place from 10:00-11:30 a.m. Athletes can choose which to attend. This post is a heads up to parents and athletes so that you have an advanced notice of the possible start time and date. We will let you know whether the plan was approved or not as soon as we find out the night of the 8th. If approved, have your athletes ready to roll the next morning. This is for all sports. All head coaches will be in attendance for workouts.
over 4 years ago, Chris Olds
Please take the time to view the Graduation Parade at the link below: https://youtu.be/adxqIluTYwo We are proud of our 2020 graduating class!
over 4 years ago, The Tribe
We weren’t going to let a little rain keep us from passing out the awards our students earned. It was wonderful to see all of the smiling faces today. ❤️ If you didn’t get a chance to come by today that’s okay. We will be at the food pickup on Monday, June 1st, and will be in the Intermediate office daily until 12:30 through Thursday. Email Mrs. Murdock if you would like to come by and pick it up, and she will have them ready. Those not picked up by Friday will be mailed.
over 4 years ago, Tomi Murdock
Award pick up
Award pick up
Award pick up
Award pick up
Just a friendly reminder of our Drive Thru awards tomorrow from 5:30-7:00. All grade levels will come through the Intermediate drive ( the bus loading lane). All you need to do is drive up, give your child’s name and homeroom, and our teachers will get their awards and bring them to your car! We know it’s not the ceremony our students deserve, but due to the ongoing situation is what we are able to do. We can’t wait to cheer them on tomorrow! See you then!
over 4 years ago, Tomi Murdock
McLoud High School staff served meals today at the ECC.
over 4 years ago, Rhonda Hockenbury
What an AMAZING last day of school. Fantastic turn out of parents and students. Awards given out and lots of love given out. We have such an amazing team. It was the closure we all needed. Our staff and students have earned a much needed break! Parents thank you for being so awesome and bringing so many books back!!
over 4 years ago, Melanne Greenwood
Elementary Parents - We will have a drive through awards assembly for 2nd and 3rd Grade on Thursday, May 28th from 4:30 to 6pm. We will be handing the awards out for both grades at the regular 3rd grade car rider location on the North side of the school on Oklahoma. We will be handing out awards for Superintendent’s Honor Roll, Principal’s Honor Roll, and Perfect Attendance. We will post an online award listing this weekend.
over 4 years ago, Andrew Winters
Intermediate AR Awards
over 4 years ago, Tomi Murdock
AR awards
AR awards
AR awards
5th and 6th Grade Awards
over 4 years ago, Tomi Murdock
5th & 6th Awards
5th & 6th Awards
5th & 6th Awards