Title VI Indian Education Parent Meeting via Zoom
Wednesday, April 29, 2020 at 11:00 a.m.
If you would like to participate please contact Jami Eddings at jeddings@mcloudschools.us
Don't forget! Today is supply pick up for McLoud Intermediate. Hope to see you there from 3:00 - 4:30 p.m.
Use the link below to access the Pre-K and Kindergarten roundup form. It will be open until 4/28 for new Pre-K and Kindergarten students. See the news article for more info.
A HUGE thank you to T-Mobile for their generous donation! Your gift to assist with our meal program at McLoud Schools is greatly appreciated!
We are sad about many things missed due to the pandemic. One of those things was our trip we had planned for the entire student body to the OKC Bombing Memorial for the 25th anniversary. With one of our JH motto words of the year, resilience, our ELA team with the leadership of Michelle Lanham, reserved and instructed from the HOPE trunks provided by the Museum. They tied in their literature units this year around this theme and even read a group book, Eleven, that was written about a boy’s eleventh bday and the survival of September 11th events. They planned to even chat online with the author, and thank him for the set of books he sent to McLoud JH. We were all looking forward to visiting the museum and experiencing it together (I have never been able to go myself, and wanted to emotionally prepare to do it with our students). Our students are pictured here observing objects that travel in the HOPE trunk that were preserved from the fence and the artifacts. Our Students wrote as those objects and what it must have been like to see what they saw among other activities. On this 25th anniversary of this tragic event.... WE REMEMBER.
Don’t forget our Day 2 of pick up at the JH on Monday, April 20th from 12-3. Please drop off any uniforms, textbooks, library books. If you think something might be in the lost and found, message Mrs. Greenwood.
2020-2021 MHS POM SQUAD:
Anna-Sue Humphrey
Emily Miller
Justice Mosier
Angela Plumley
Bailey Snellings
Sierra Given
Lisa Clark
Kayla Denton
Mia Nolen
Lani Brown
If your child was interested in trying out for cheer and did not have a chance to submit an application, please email mgreenwood@mcloudschools.us
Great virtual support group for parents and students.
Don’t forget to message or email me if you have things at the JH you need to pick up. Please also bring any uniforms, library books or textbooks. 12-3 JH parking lot. Please stay in cars. We will do this again Monday, April 20th.
mgreenwood @mcloudschools.us
Pick Up Information for JH
Please help celebrate our seniors in a safe way by cheering for them via a parade that will proceed through town just like the homecoming parade. We encourage you to decorate vehicles, yards, light poles, etc. We want the seniors to have their special day in an alternative way.
McLoud High School Supply Pick-Up
Wednesday, April 15th, 11:00 am - 1:00 pm.
Dear Seniors,
We know this is not the way you imagined your senior year would end. We are going to do our very best to give you the graduation you deserve. We know it will not be your typical celebration but your accomplishments will not go unrecognized.
McLoud Elementary will have student school supply pick up on April 16th from 3:00 to 4:30pm. Please see the attached letter for details.
The ECC will hold a student school supply pick up day on Thursday, April 9, 2020 (THIS THURSDAY) from 3:00 - 4:30 PM at the ECC ONLY. The ELEMENTARY and INTERMEDIATE will hold separate school supply pick days. See the News section for more details!
This morning McLoud High School would like to give a SHOUT OUT to all the essential workers!!!!! Thank you for all you are doing! We appreciate you!
McLoud Public Schools Distance Learning Plan is available now on the district website. You can find all of the pertinent information on the school website and here:
Thank you. Stay safe.
SENIORS, Important!!!
Pick up Senior Products at drive thru delivery on Mon, 4/6 in school parking lot from 9-11. Pay remaining balance at 800-567-8367or at jostens.com.
Hey Redskins! In the midst of all that is going on, don't forget about your yearbook!