McLoud Public Schools will be closed to all in-person instruction tomorrow, October 27th due to inclement weather. We will observe tomorrow as a VIRTUAL LEARNING day. Therefore, students will be given assignments either by Google Classroom or packet work which is being sent home with students this afternoon. Work must be completed for students to be counted present for the day. Incomplete work will result in an absence. All school sites will be closed. Teachers will be available via email or Google Classroom to answer questions. Thank you.
about 4 years ago, Rhonda Hockenbury
The ECC pumpkin patch activities scheduled for Veterans Park on Thursday, October 29th have been moved indoors to the Elementary Gym and Elementary Saferoom. The District has taken the changing weather into consideration, we feel that our community partners and students will enjoy the Candy Walk and Pumpkin Patch if they are held inside. The Candy Walk will be set up in the newly remodeled Elementary Gym. Our community partners will pass out candy and enjoy the costume parade in the Gym. Our Pumpkin Patch activities will be held in the safe room. We feel this will still accommodate the appropriate amount of social distancing for both our Community Partners who are passing out candy and for our students and staff. Any community partner who has not submitted their Candy Walk participation form, can still do so through the McLoud Chamber to the Office Manager or ECC Principal Sally Thomason by Tuesday, October 27th.
about 4 years ago, Rhonda Hockenbury
Good Morning! We wanted to put out a survey for parents with special education students. If you have a child that is on an IEP or a 504, please fill out this form so that we can assess our Distance Learning plan. This form will be confidential and anonymous. Thank you for being involved in your students education!
about 4 years ago, Patty Stanley
Good morning MHS students and parents! As we start our second week of distance learning I want to commend those of you who have jumped in and are completing your work! Well done! Often times it is easy to focus on the negative when there is a lot of positive! With that being said, we also had a lot of students disappear last week. Please remember, your attendance is recorded by you completing 50% of the work assigned for the week! Distance learning is not easy and students must be disciplined. I encourage you to set aside time each day to do your school work just as if you were at school. It doesn't have to be for seven hours, but it does need to happen to be successful! I feel that many students put it off thinking they will do it later, and then it piles up and becomes overwhelming! Parents, please encourage your student to log-in! Have a great week, stay safe, and we look forward to seeing you on the 2nd!
about 4 years ago, Bryan Jennings
This week at the Intermediate. This is a busy week with lots of excitement as we kick off Red Ribbon Week.
about 4 years ago, Tomi Murdock
Lunch menu
This week at the Intermediate
The Intermediate is decorated and ready to kick off Red Ribbon Week on Monday. Students, teachers, and staff enjoyed decorating their doors.
about 4 years ago, Tomi Murdock
Office and Activity Doors
5th Grade
4th Grade
6th Grade
The Intermediate is very excited to share with you our Red Ribbon Week Activities. Distance Learners you may log into Mrs. Murdocks google classroom for videos and activities. We can't wait! We are ready to work together to make healthy choices and be drug free!
about 4 years ago, Tomi Murdock
RRW Activities
Today will be the final scheduled Virtual Friday. The school board approved to cancel the Virtual Friday scheduled for November 6th. McLoud meets state guidelines without going on that day.
about 4 years ago, Rhonda Hockenbury
Good morning and happy Friday MHS students and parents! Please remember that today is a virtual Friday and you will have assignments to complete in all your classes to be counted present for the day. Also, it was board approved yesterday that today will be the last virtual Friday for the year! I want to encourage you again to turn your assignments in! These assignments are how you get credit for being in attendance for the day/week! Reminder: If you are a Gordon Cooper student and you are not quarantined, you should be going to class at Gordon Cooper. The bus to Gordon Cooper is running as normal. Have a great weekend!
about 4 years ago, Bryan Jennings
Anyone need a great anchor chart? Check out the ones our JH math students are kicking out! (Last week) What a great way to show visual representations of learning! Great job, Timmy Boyer and crew!
about 4 years ago, Melanne Greenwood
The McLoud vs Bridge Creek football game scheduled for October 30 has been rescheduled to October 31 @ 1:00pm. Please come support your student athletes.
about 4 years ago, Chris Olds
The McLoud School Board met today at 3:00 pm for a special meeting. It was determined that the secondary campus would remained closed to in-person instruction through October 29th. Numerous staff and students remain in self-quarantine. Only the secondary campus is closed to in-person instruction. We hope to return to traditional schooling on Monday, November 2nd. Thank you for your patience and understanding as we try our very best to keep students and staff safe and healthy.
about 4 years ago, Rhonda Hockenbury
Next week is Red Ribbon Week. The Intermediate has several ways for students to participate. More info on how students can participate to come! Distance Learning Families, Mrs. Murdock has lots of videos and activities in the Counselors Corner Google classroom that your students can access. Be sure to have them check it out!
about 4 years ago, Tomi Murdock
Red Ribbon Week
Red Ribbon Week
South West Dairy Farms visits ECC! McLoud PK students along with Superintendent, Steve Stanley, learn about dairy cows.
about 4 years ago, Rhonda Hockenbury
We are so excited to show our support for Unity Day. We are working to make our school a safe school where kindness, acceptance, and inclusion come first! Students have had great conversations about uniting together. They also have resources on Mrs. Murdock’s google classroom if they need more information about bullying.
about 4 years ago, Tomi Murdock
United in Kindness
Today we celebrated these two amazing leaders for Boss Day. We are so thankful for all the do for the students, teachers, and staff. Thank you Mrs. Drew and Mrs. Gilliam for everything you do.
about 4 years ago, Tomi Murdock
Happy Boss Day
HS parents and students! Good morning to all of you! I want to reiterate to you how important it is for you to stay caught up on your classwork during this time out of class. Many students did not log in yesterday which is very concerning to us! Attendance for the time we are out of school will be determined by the work completed, just like it is for our distance learners. If a student completes 50% of the work assigned, that student will be considered present. If not, the student will receive an absence. Please remember that teachers are still working a normal work day from 7:30-4:10 and are available to answer email's and phone calls. Many of our teachers have also provided links to Google Meet sessions or have sent invitations to Google Meet for students to ask questions. Have a great day, take care of your health and wellness, and we look forward to seeing you back in class as soon as possible!
about 4 years ago, Bryan Jennings
The Intermediate is excited to help the High School Leadership class with a food drive for the Salvation Army Oct. 20th-27th. Each grade level has a certain category of food they are being asked to bring if they can. Students who bring food will put them in their grade level box under our Core Values banner in the main hall. 4th is asked to bring canned soup. 5th is asked to bring canned meat/tuna. 6th is asked to bring canned vegetables. We are excited to help the high school and Salvation Army. If you have any questions please contact Mrs. Murdock
about 4 years ago, Tomi Murdock
Food drive
JH Parents and Students: Here is a list of a few of our virtual Meets with teachers we have each week. Students will have email invites to attend. Email your child's teacher(s) if you have any questions. You may check out a device at the JH from 10-3. Call our office if you have any questions.
about 4 years ago, Melanne Greenwood
Good morning MHS students and parents! I would like to take the opportunity to visit with you this morning about the move to distance learning on the secondary campus. We realize this is a challenging time for many families and you chose in-person learning because you felt it best for your student. Students and parents PLEASE understand that this is not a vacation from school! Your work is still on your Google classroom and the expectation is that you do it to the best of your ability! Some of you have worked VERY hard the last few weeks to get grades up, don't let them slip! Please email your teachers if you have questions about assignments.
about 4 years ago, Bryan Jennings