MHS will flllow the same Google Meet schedule for Nov. 30-Dec. 3 as we did the week before Thanksgiving break:
about 4 years ago, Bryan Jennings
MHS Week of Nov. 30th-Dec. 3: McLoud Public Schools will continue with distance learning for the week of 11/30-12/3. If your student is using technology, please continue logging onto Google Classroom and completing work daily to get credit for attendance. If you are a packet learner, pickup times are listed below. When you pick up packets, please drop off any work that you have completed from the previous week! Packet pick-up times: Monday November 30th from 2:00-4:30. Tuesday December 1st from 7:00 am to 6:00 pm. If you need assistance please call the high school office at 964-3314 or email myself of Mrs. Eddings at or
about 4 years ago, Bryan Jennings
The Prague JH basketball tournament has been cancelled. We have added two dates to the JH basketball schedule. JH girls and boys will play at Stroud on Monday and Prague on Thursday.
about 4 years ago, Chris Olds
November 27, 2020 Dear McLoud Families, As we near the end of Thanksgiving Break, we would like to inform you of changes to our distance learning plan. Our regional/county health officials confirm the rise in positive Covid 19 cases across our county and state. The rise in state numbers, recent holiday gatherings, and the concerns of our health officials lead us to believe that these changes to our learning plan are in the best interest of our student and staff safety. We continue to have staff members who are testing positive and many who are quarantining. McLoud Public Schools will continue distance learning through Thursday, December 3. This will allow us to monitor cases throughout the following week to help assure us a safe return to in-person learning on Monday, December 7th. As always, we will monitor the ever-changing situation and update you as quickly as possible. Winter sports activities will continue as scheduled with the added measure of no spectators being allowed to attend contests. Please visit our school website for information on how to watch these events from the convenience of your home. Special Education students who regularly attend on Virtual Fridays may attend Monday and Tuesday to receive services. Buildings will not be occupied on Wednesday and Thursday. Buses will run for these students as they do on those designated Fridays. Your student will be expected to complete distance learning assignments in order to be counted present. Packets may be picked up and dropped off at your child’s school site on Monday, November 30th from 2:00 pm - 4:30 pm and again on Tuesday, December 1st from 7:30 am - 6:00 pm. We hope this allows everyone a convenient time frame. Please contact your building principal if other arrangements are necessary. Breakfasts and lunches may be picked up on Tuesday, December 1st at the ECC south circle drive from 11:00 am - 1:00 pm. Please continue to wear face coverings when in public places, social distance when possible, wash your hands frequently, sanitize routinely, and stay at home if you are not feeling well. We appreciate your continued understanding and support as we work together to keep staff and students healthy and safe. Sincerely, Steve Stanley Superintendent
about 4 years ago, Rhonda Hockenbury
Parents, As you know, we are learning with distance learning this week, November 16-19. Remember work is required for attendance and for grades. Work must be completed online and packets must be completed. Teachers will be working from 8am to 4pm Monday-Thursday. Students will have assignments everyday in all classes. I am posting a Google Meet schedule for each teacher. This is a time when students can speak to their teacher face to face if they have questions. Please encourage your student to take advantage of these times. Teachers are also available by email daily. We hope that during this time, students and staff will stay well. There are no events at school. As always, if there is anything I can help you with, please email me Please follow for specific Junior High updates and celebrations on our FB page: MJH Redskins. Have a great week, Mrs. G
about 4 years ago, Rhonda Hockenbury
Good morning MHS Redskins! Here is a reminder of Google Meet times today and the rest of the week with teachers! You should have an invite on your Google Classroom if you want to join! Please log in and do your assignments to get credit for attendance. Four more days until you truly get time off! Have a great week!
about 4 years ago, Bryan Jennings
From Baseball Coach Josh Ray: HAM UPDATE I want to let everyone know how much I appreciate everyone’s efforts during this fundraiser. It’s been a successful fundraiser during an uncertain time. Unfortunately, since the district is going virtual next week, we’re going to have to smoke the hams at a different location. This will change the way we do pickup. Here’s the list of changes for the day we smoke hams. • HS boys will smoke the hams at the Eatons. The address is 8615 S. Luther Road. Boys need to be there at 8:00 AM to start smoking hams. We'll still smoke hams on November 20th! • Each player is going to be responsible for delivering their own hams. So they will take all their hams home when we’re done smoking. I know some players are having people who bought hams from them pick them up at their house. • JH players will come to the Eatons at 12:30 PM to pick up their hams to be delivered. • I will give the boys a hard copy of their forms the day we smoke hams, but DM me if you need a copy of it now. • Please spread the word to the people that have bought hams from you! If anyone needs help with delivery please contact me. We have plenty of coaches, parents and players who would be willing to help. Again, I want to thank everyone for their support of the program! Go Redskins!!
about 4 years ago, Melanne Greenwood
Good evening high school parents and students. As you know, we will be moving to distance learning from November 16-19. I ask you again to remember that next week is NOT Thanksgiving Break!! Teachers will be working from 8am to 4pm Monday-Thursday. Students will have assignments everyday in all classes that they will need to complete to show they were in attendance for the day. I am posting a Google Meet schedule for each subject. This is a time when students can get online and speak to their teacher face to face if they have questions. Please encourage your student to take advantage of these times! If there is something I can help you with, please email me at Thank you and enjoy your Thanksgiving break but not until the following week!
about 4 years ago, Bryan Jennings
Dear Parents and Guardians, It is nearly impossible to miss the growing concern about how increasing COVID-19 case counts are affecting emergency health care access, our day-to-day movements, the ability to keep schools open and of course, the people we care about. As of yesterday, Pottawatomie County reported 2,567 known Coronavirus cases and 19 deaths. Positive cases in our school district remain relatively low, however, contact tracing currently impacts more than thirty staff members at McLoud. It has become impossible to obtain substitutes and other individuals to cover classes. Monday, November 16th through Thursday, November 19th, McLoud Public Schools will move to distance learning. All district facilities will be closed during that time and extra curricular activities will be cancelled or rescheduled with the exception for football playoffs which are not governed by McLoud. We are hopeful that with the addition of Thanksgiving break the following week that we will avoid a major outbreak and allow us to return to in-person instruction for the remainder of the semester. Meals will be available for pick up this Friday, November 13th from 11:00 am - 1:00 pm at the Intermediate cafeteria. Four breakfasts and four lunches will be provided on that date. Chromebook devices will be checked out at the secondary campus and packets will be sent home for other sites today for next week. Your child’s school site will contact current virtual students to make arrangements for packet pick up. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause, however, the health and safety of our staff and students is always at the forefront of our decisions. Sincerely, Steve Stanley Superintendent of Schools
about 4 years ago, Rhonda Hockenbury
Dear Patrons of McLoud Public Schools; Winter sports season is upon us. We have updated our indoor activity plan in an effort to keep everyone safe and healthy. Our goal is to allow our students to compete in as many contests as possible. Please help us by abiding by the guidelines listed below while you enjoy watching your favorite student athlete. Failure to adhere to the guidelines could result in a more restrictive plan for spectators including eliminating all spectators from events. We thank you in advance for doing your part to keep others healthy. *Masks are mandatory for all spectators while in the facility. *Masks must cover the nose and mouth while fitting tightly. *Each district will limit capacity sufficiently to accommodate social distancing guidelines, and unavailable seating should be marked. Site administration will attempt to accommodate family units, but social distancing will be enforced. *Spectators that refuse to follow guidelines, will be asked to leave the venue. *Games may be paused and resumed only when all spectators are following guidelines. *Districts will maintain a recommended 10 feet of space between the first row of spectators and the team bench. *Team personnel will be limited to 20; however, any district may establish further limitations based on gym configuration and capacity. *Cheerleaders will be limited to no more than 6 members. *Water jugs will not be provided by the host school. Players should supply personal water bottles and towels. *Spectators should not congregate in common areas. At the conclusion of the contest, spectators will exit the facility promptly. *Temperature will be checked at the gate. *No spectators allowed at practices or scrimmages. As always, thank you for your continued support. Steve Stanley Superintendent of Schools
about 4 years ago, Rhonda Hockenbury
Dear PK-3rd Grade Parents and Guardians; We are asking for your help! We are seeing a rise in Covid-19 cases in our state, county, and local McLoud area. At this time McLoud Public Schools has just over 10% of our staff absent due to positive testing or quarantine. Numerous students throughout the district are quarantining due to Covid exposure. As always, our top priority is student and staff health and safety. We are diligently working to keep all facilities clean and sanitized. We encourage frequent hand washing and require masks for all students grades 4-12. As a result of the spike in COVID cases in our local area, we are strongly recommending that students in grades PK-3rd wear masks at school. Further exposure or quarantine could lead to a school closure resulting in all students continuing their education via distance learning. Our goal is to keep the District operating traditionally with in-person services. We have considered a mask mandate, but feel that our families will help us by allowing their PK-3rd grade children to wear masks at school. Wearing masks may also help in the prevention of other childhood illnesses, such as the Flu and Strep Throat. We hope this extra measure of precaution helps us limit exposures to COVID and other viruses. We greatly appreciate your patience and understanding during this time. We will have a limited number of masks available in the office for students who need them, just contact your child’s school. We are asking all families to help us “MASK UP” beginning on Thursday, November 12, 2020. Sincerely, McLoud Public Schools
about 4 years ago, Rhonda Hockenbury
Intermediate Archery Parents, practice for this evening has been cancelled. We are sorry for the inconvenience.
about 4 years ago, Tomi Murdock
Please check out the Intermediate Facebook page for the Honor Choirs Veterans Day videos.
about 4 years ago, Tomi Murdock
Honor choir
Dear Parents/Guardians, we were notified this morning that a student at McLoud Elementary has tested positive for COVID-19. The district has worked in cooperation with local health officials to determine quarantine requirements. Students required to quarantine for 14 days are being contacted by district administrators. We continue to make great efforts to clean and sanitize all areas throughout the district. This includes regular fogging of buildings and facilities with an antimicrobial as well as routine disinfecting of commonly used areas. McLoud Public Schools continues to keep open lines of communication with the parents and community as we move through this together. We will do our best to inform you of new cases as they are confirmed. We greatly appreciate your continued support. Cases in our area are rising. Please keep your child at home if they are experiencing COVID related symptoms such as but not limited to: Loss of smell or taste, Sore throat, Persistent cough, Fever, Shortness of breath, Diarrhea, or Vomiting. We are monitoring COVID cases throughout the district/community on a daily basis and will notify everyone immediately in the event we move to district-wide Distance Learning. If you have any questions, please contact me or any of the principals at your convenience: Superintendent Steve Stanley Exec. Director of Administrators, Rhonda Hockenbury Sincerely, Steve Stanley
about 4 years ago, Rhonda Hockenbury
Due to circumstances out of our control, JH and HS picture retakes scheduled for 11/11/20 have been cancelled and rescheduled for 12/8/20 from 8:30-2:00. Sorry for the inconvenience!
about 4 years ago, Bryan Jennings
McLoud JH and HS picture re-takes are Wednesday, Nov. 11th from 9-12 in the high school gym lobby. If you have not taken your school picture, or need a re-take, this is your opportunity.!
about 4 years ago, Bryan Jennings
Intermediate DL and traditional students, check out the Counselors Corner Google classroom for our Veterans Day Classroom that was just posted. It’s full of great information and books about the importance of Veterans Day!
about 4 years ago, Tomi Murdock
Veterans Day lessons
This week at the Intermediate!
about 4 years ago, Tomi Murdock
Nov 9-12
Nov 9-12 lunch menu
Dear Parents/Guardians, over the weekend we were notified that a staff member at McLoud ECC and one staff member at the Junior High tested positive for COVID-19. Fortunately, the one certified staff and one non-certified staff had little to no contact with students on Thursday. The district has worked in cooperation with local health officials to determine quarantine requirements. Students and staff members who must self-quarantine for 14 days have been notified by administration. We continue to make great efforts to clean and sanitize all areas throughout the district. This includes regular fogging of buildings and facilities with an antimicrobial as well as routine disinfecting of commonly used areas. McLoud Public Schools continues to keep open lines of communication with the parents and community as we move through this together. We will do our best to inform you of new cases as they are confirmed. We greatly appreciate your continued support. Please keep your child at home if they are experiencing COVID related symptoms such as but not limited to: Loss of smell or taste, Sore throat, Persistent cough, Fever, Shortness of breath, Diarrhea, or Vomiting. We are monitoring COVID cases throughout the district/community on a daily basis and will notify everyone immediately in the event we move to district-wide Distance Learning. If you have any questions, please contact me or any of the principals at your convenience: Superintendent Steve Stanley Exec. Director of Administrators, Rhonda Hockenbury Sincerely, Steve Stanley
about 4 years ago, Rhonda Hockenbury