Parents and Guardians of Junior High and High School student athletes and band members need to create an online account with Rank1sport at the following link:
If you need more information you can read the PDF on how to create an account for your student.
The JH football game scheduled for today, 9/7/2021, has been cancelled. The 9th/JV football game will still be played at Tecumseh.
Kick off is at 6:00.
Go Redskins!!
McLoud Family - Buses 11 and 14 will be running late today. Thank you.
Intermediate September Library Lookout. Check out the cool things going on!
Intermediate September “In the mix”
Check out what’s going on for us in September!
A message from Trish Harris, Pastor McLoud First United Methodist Church
Due to the climbing numbers of Covid-19 cases among children in McLoud, we regretfully have decided to postpone After School Matters for reconsideration in January of 2022. We are disappointed that we will not be able to host children after school this semester, but believe this is the best decision for the health and well-being of our children and our community.
McLoud Family - Bus 7 will be running late today. Thank you.
ECC, Elementary, and Intermediate Families - Tomorrow is the big day. Our students will be having their Fun Run tomorrow at the park across the street from the Elementary School.
Family members who attend to watch will be asked to stay outside the fenced field area while the students run due to Covid precautions. We apologize, but families will not be able to interact on the field with their students during this event.
Student run times are as follows:
8:15 to 9:00 - KG and 1st Grade
9:00 to 9:45 - 2nd and 3rd Grade
9:45 to 10:30 - 4th, 5th, and 6th Grade
*PreK students will participate by having a fun run time on their fenced playground at the ECC.
McLoud Family - Bus 14 will be running late today. Thank you.
Congratulations to our August Principals Pride students of the Month.
Aug. 31, 2021
Dear McLoud Families,
As you know we have continued to work with local and county health officials to stay on top of the trends within our school buildings and the surrounding community related to COVID. We have received updated guidance from the Oklahoma State Department of Education, as well as the Oklahoma State and Pottawatomie County Health Departments that language changes have been made to their letters and guidance for schools around isolation and quarantines. Schools are expected to follow these policies.
Specifically, in their FAQs and guidance it states: "Keeping students at home when they are infected with COVID-19 (isolation) or have been exposed as a close contact (quarantine) is critical to controlling the transmission of COVID-19, especially since infected individuals are known to transmit the virus to others before they experience symptoms or when they are only experiencing mild symptoms. Schools and parents have a duty under state law (63 O.S. § 1-505) to keep students home when they are in isolation or quarantine. These students should remain away from school facilities and activities until their period of isolation or quarantine has ended."
Quarantining is essential to preventing the spread of this virus within our schools and will help us continue to keep school open. The health officials have stated quarantines are necessary, not just recommended. Students and faculty who test positive will need to be isolated for 10 days starting on the day of the positive test. Students who are exposed to COVID-19 will quarantine for 10 days. An exception to the 10 day quarantine is that if after day 5 the exposed person tests negative for COVID-19 and is symptom free, Such individuals may return to school on day 8. Over the counter tests are not recognized by the Health Department, therefore will not be considered valid. Also, anyone who provides proof of vaccination who is not showing symptoms, or those with documentation of a positive test within the last 90 days will not be required to quarantine.
Again, I want to remind you to keep our school community’s number of positive cases low, we recommend that you consider the following: make sure you and your student(s) continue to follow CDC guidance by washing your hands frequently, keeping social distance of 3-6 feet when possible, considering vaccination, and wearing face coverings when you cannot social distance, especially indoors, as well as when in public places.
As a reminder, masks/face coverings are welcomed and are strongly encouraged in our buildings where social distancing of at least 3 feet is not feasible. We encourage you to make the best decision for your student and your own family, while monitoring health conditions daily. We encourage you to consider vaccination to help combat the spread within our community. Our best opportunity to keep school open, as well as extracurricular activities in place, is to follow these guidelines.
We will continue to work closely with our state, county, and local health officials to monitor the situation.
Rhonda Hockenbury
Interim Superintendent
(405) 964-3314 ext. 5262
Today’s High school and junior high softball games have been cancelled for today. Sorry for any inconvenience.
McLoud Family - Buses 11 and 14 will be running late today. Thank you.
More results from McLoud Cross Country:
Congratulations to MJH Cross Country and Noelle McMichael, who scored 3rd at the Blanchard XC meet this morning!!
Back to School Bash 2021 was a success! Thanks to everyone that came out!
McLoud wins season opener 52-14!
McLoud winning at halftime 30-6.
McLoud HS first home football game! Go Redskins!
Intermediate breakfast and lunch menus!