It is time for our Fall Fancloth Fundraiser. Below is a link to our online campaign and it is full of AMAZING REDSKINS spirit items! Please check it out when you have a moment. If you have any questions about the items, I have seen a lot of them over the years, so I should be able to answer or I will email and ask. Our campaign ends Friday, August 25. If you would like to help a cheerleader out, please put their name, if not McLoud Cheer works!
over 1 year ago, The Tribe
It is time for our Fall Fancloth Fundraiser. Below is a link to our online campaign and it is full of AMAZING REDSKINS spirit items! Please check it out when you have a moment. If you have any questions about the items, I have seen a lot of them over the years, so I should be able to answer or I will email and ask. Our campaign ends Friday, August 25. If you would like to help a cheerleader out, please put their name, if not McLoud Cheer works!
over 1 year ago, The Tribe
Redskins go 3-0 in Fast Pitch!!!!
over 1 year ago, Joe Bob Ross
Please join us Monday, August 14th at 5:00 pm for our next community meeting to discuss the Capital Improvement Plan. Bond Issues are an investment in our schools, our students, and our community. Districts are not able to make large improvements or upgrades without bond issues. Here are the facts about the September 12th Bond Issue.
over 1 year ago, Rhonda Hockenbury
Bond Issue Sept.
McLoud Family - Bus 9 will be running late this afternoon. Thank you.
over 1 year ago, Andrew Winters
Bus 11 - Several buses will be picking up bus 11 students this morning. Please be patient with pickup this morning. Thank you.
over 1 year ago, Andrew Winters
Redskin's HS Fast Pitch starts the season 2-0!
over 1 year ago, Joe Bob Ross
Attention McLoud School District residents!! We are proposing an upcoming Capital Improvement Plan to address some sorely needed issues within our school that will greatly benefit our students, staff and our community as a whole. Please visit the following link to get more information on the details of the plan.
over 1 year ago, The Tribe
cip banner
If passed, the Capital Improvement Plan will convert our football field (completed in 1990) from grass to a turf field, putting us on par with most other districts in our area. It will be complete with clearly marked lines for the soccer team, it also adds a brand-new 6-lane track, as well as, dedicated areas for all field events, including long jump, high jump, pole vault, shot put, and discus. The parking lot will be improved, drainage issues will be fixed and new scoreboard (current score board is from 2001) is also included in the plan. Stay tuned for more updates and mark your calendars for the upcoming bond proposal vote on September 12. Visit for the full Capital Improvement Plan. #SportsFacilityUpgrade #BuildingForExcellence #UnleashingTalent
over 1 year ago, The Tribe
sports plans
Professional Development held at MPS today. Special thanks to Citizen Potawatomi Nation (CPN), Kickapoo Behavioral Health, Gateway - Jon Greenwood, Angie Drew, and Ken Thompson. Excellent presentations and information for staff and teachers! Thanks also to First United Bank for the lunch bags and cookies!
over 1 year ago, Rhonda Hockenbury
PD 2
This spring we put out a 360 Survey to the community to help guide our planning for the 2023-2024 school year. We received approximately 200 responses. Here is what we heard: 1) 70% of those surveyed agreed, or strongly agreed that our schools were welcoming and responsive to concerns. 2) 66% of those surveyed agreed or strongly agreed that they were safe on campus. 3) 59% of those surveyed felt there were adequate opportunities for students to get involved at school. 4) 60% of those surveyed agreed or strongly agreed that the district communicated in a timely and ongoing manner. 5) 64% of those surveyed agreed or strongly agreed that they were proud of thier student's schools. 6) 56% of those surveyed agreed or strongly agreed that they were connected to their student's schools. 7) 64% of those surveyed agreed or strongly agreed that they were satisfied with the direction of the district. 8) Your greatest safety or security concerns were intruders, alcohol/substance abuse, and bullying. 9) You felt our greatest strength as a district is OUR TEACHERS!!!!! 10) You feel a school is successful if they achieve the following: kids are happy, kids are learning, and kids are prepared for life beyond McLoud Public Schools. 11) The things you valued most about public school are: a safe and pleasant environment, meeting student's academic needs, and having a welcoming place for students. 12) The top three things you thought we could improve were: preparing students for life beyond MPS, attracting and retaining quality teachers, and prevent bullying. Our administrative team has met numerous times and will be implementing Site Improvement Plans to address many of the items listed above. Here are just a few of the things we will be doing this year to meet the needs of our students. 1) We have written a grant to help with teacher attraction and retention. 2) We have started an internship program at the high school for seniors. This will also assist them with work and communication skills as well as job and college applications. 3) We will be using our School Reach more often and have implemented the text option for communication. 4) We have hired two new district counselor positions that can assist with problems, behaviors, and bullying. 5) We are proposing a bond issue to improve safety and make facility upgrades. We heard you and we will be making efforts to grow and improve!
over 1 year ago, Rhonda Hockenbury
We believe in the strength of collaboration and inclusivity. That's why we formed a dedicated committee comprised of passionate community members, working hand in hand with school representatives, to shape our Capital Improvement Plan. Together, we brainstormed, shared ideas, and ensured that the proposal aligns with our collective vision for the future. Your voice matters! We're committed to transparency and providing a platform for open dialogue. Join us for upcoming town halls where we will address any concerns, provide clarifications, and answer your questions about the Capital Improvement Plan. Visit the link below to view the video: Stay tuned for more updates and mark your calendars for the upcoming bond proposal vote on September 12. Visit for the full Capital Improvement Plan. #BuildingForOurFuture #CommunityInvolvement #TownHallMeetings #InvestingInEducation
over 1 year ago, The Tribe
Welcome back teachers and staff!!
over 1 year ago, Rhonda Hockenbury
This is what our McLoud Redskins track team is currently using for practice, a 200 meter grass track that offers no proper facilities for field events. Our athletes have to travel out of district to be able to pole vault, long jump, high jump, or even run on an actual track. Despite all of these obstacles, we have turned out multiple state qualifiers each year since track was reintroduced to McLoud in 2021. If the Capital Improvement Plan passes, we can give these incredible student athletes what they deserve and that is simply an acceptable practice space and equipment where they can take their game to the next level. Stay tuned for more updates and mark your calendars for the upcoming bond proposal vote on September 12. Visit for the full Capital Improvement Plan. #SafetyImprovementInitiative #ProtectOurChildren #BuildingASecureEnvironment
over 1 year ago, The Tribe
McLoud Athletics is happy to be offering Season Passes for students and families for the 2023-24 school year! Follow the link below to find more information about the passes.
over 1 year ago, The Tribe
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We firmly believe that investing in our schools is an investment in the success of our community. This bond issue will support the growth of McLoud Public Schools and will provide students and staff with a safe environment to thrive and prepare for the future. A thriving school is a thriving community. We have been able to make many upgrades with our ESSER funds and have also invested our general and building funds to better our facilities. We have replaced numerous floors throughout the district, installed new camera systems for security, put in new fencing for barriers, upgraded teacher and student seating, replaced some heating and air units, as well as invested in technology and curriculum needs. However, we need community support to make these larger additional investments in our district that improve safety and add to student engagement. We understand the implementation of this plan will have an impact on our patrons via new tax rates. We are committed to responsible fiscal management, ensuring that we remain transparent with how this plan will affect our taxpayers. Below you will find a chart completed by our bond company, Bank of Oklahoma, that shows how the bond issue will directly impact you as a taxpayer in McLoud School District.
over 1 year ago, The Tribe
Redskin Fast pitch starts NOW!! Come support our girls in Jones.
over 1 year ago, Joe Bob Ross
Redskin Fast pitch starts NOW!! Come support our girls in Jones.
over 1 year ago, Joe Bob Ross
Good luck, Alondra!!
over 1 year ago, Rhonda Hockenbury
wrestling state
As part of the Capital Improvement Plan, we propose the conversion of our football field from grass to a cutting-edge turf field, complete with clearly marked lines for soccer. This upgrade will improve existing drainage issues and provide an all-weather playing surface, enhancing the overall experience for our athletes. But that's not all, it also includes the addition of a brand-new 6-lane track, as well as, dedicated areas for all field events, including long jump, high jump, pole vault, shot put, and discus. Allowing McLoud to host small track meets year to year. The current track team, over 100 student athletes, currently run and practice on a 200 meter grass track, if passed, this Capital Improvement Plan will provide our student athletes the adequate resources they need to truly stand out! Beyond the physical improvements, we believe that investing in top-notch sports facilities will attract exceptional talent in teachers, coaches, and student athletes. In today's world of open transfer, we want to be a destination where people are wanting to join. Stay tuned for more updates and mark your calendars for the upcoming bond proposal vote on September 12. Visit for the full Capital Improvement Plan. #SportsFacilityUpgrade #BuildingForExcellence #UnleashingTalent
over 1 year ago, The Tribe