Remember, today is VOTING DAY for our bond election. There has been a steady stream of voters at polling places in town. Thank you for your support of our students.
over 1 year ago, Rhonda Hockenbury
I voted
Safety Guidelines for this Friday's home game against Tecumseh.
over 1 year ago, Rhonda Hockenbury
BBQ dinner tickets can be purchased at the JH and HS main offices as well as with most Athletic programs. Walk-up meals can be purchased as well while supplies last.
over 1 year ago, Joe Bob Ross
Come out and Tailgate before the Redskin's first home Football game! $10.00 gets you a entire meal. See pic for details.
over 1 year ago, Joe Bob Ross
McLoud Patrons, as voting day for the bond quickly approaches, I want to thank everyone who has given their kind words, thoughts, and support throughout this process. I feel very fortunate to be part of a community that cares for and supports eachother. I think we can all agree that we truly do want what is best for our kids and for McLoud. The proposed bond issue will change our current millage rate of 13.4 to 23.5 mills. If Harrah passes their current bond, McLoud will still have the lowest millage rate of surrounding districts. We have one last community meeting on Monday at 5:00 pm at the McLoud School Board Office. Please join us to hear more information. Thank you for your support of McLoud Public Schools! Mrs. Hockenbury
over 1 year ago, Rhonda Hockenbury
millage rates
Redskins defeat Ada 8-7!!
over 1 year ago, Rhonda Hockenbury
hand shake
Lady Redskins start their tournament with two wins.
over 1 year ago, Joe Bob Ross
McLoud Family - Buses 6 and 11 will be running late today. Thank you.
over 1 year ago, Andrew Winters
McLoud Patrons- Attached is the CORRECT district map. Anyone living in the McLoud distrtict is able to vote for the bond issue on September 12th. Voting will be at your regular polling place. If you are uncertain where that is, you may go to: and enter your name and DOB to find your polling place. I've also attached the sample ballot for the bond. State law requires transportation to be separated for the vote, hence two propositions. Don't forget that we have one last community meeting for the bond on Monday, September 11th at 5:00 pm at the McLoud School Board Office. Thank you for your support!
over 1 year ago, Rhonda Hockenbury
McLoud Family - Bus 11 will be running late this afternoon.  Thank you.
over 1 year ago, Andrew Winters
Fan information for tomorrow night's Football game at Bethel.
over 1 year ago, Joe Bob Ross
McLoud Tournament starts today!
over 1 year ago, Joe Bob Ross
Day 1 and Day 2 tickets for the McLoud Softball Tournament go on sale tonight at 6:00PM. These tickets are valid for all games at the McLoud site only!
over 1 year ago, Joe Bob Ross
McLoud Family - Bus 14 will be running late this afternoon.  Thank you.
over 1 year ago, Andrew Winters
I wanted to give our patrons a visual break down of the budget for the upcoming bond issue. 56.4% of the funds will be used for safety and academics, 8.7% of the funds will be recurring bonds to be used for various projects across the district some of which are also safety related as well as technology and building upgrades, 8.1% of the funds are budgeted for the new track, 8.1% of the funds are also budgeted to turf the football/soccer field, 7.3 % of the budget is for new route buses, 6.3% is the required amount set aside as contingency funds, 4.5% is designated for architectural/engineering and surveying fees, and less than 1% is for furniture and equipment. We will hold one last community informational meeting on Monday, September 11th at 5:00 pm at the McLoud School Board Office. Voting will be Tuesday, September 12th. Thank you, Mrs. Rhonda Hockenbury McLoud Schools Superintendent
over 1 year ago, Rhonda Hockenbury
pic chart
Information about purchasing tickets and parking for the big game tomorrow night. I hope to see you all there supporting our young men.
over 1 year ago, Joe Bob Ross
Now, more than ever, schools must take robust security measures to protect students and saff. Some essential security considerations are: 1) effective communication, 2) access control, 3) clear signage, 4) perimeter security, 5) cameras, 6) visitor management, 7) security lighting, 8) emergency procedure education, and 9) risk assessments. McLoud Public Schools has completed risk assessments at each building site, we have access control (badge readers) at main entrances, we use common language for drills and practice them frequently, we have purchased hand-held radios to communicate throughout the district, we updated camera equipment for multiple sites and areas throughout the district, we added fencing in some areas, we have worked with local authorities to develop emergency plans, we are in the process of adding clear signage to all building sites, and we employ a full-time resource officer. Our proposed bond issue will assist us in completing this list of safety measures. Double entrances will secure buildings and ensure all visitors are checked in through the office. Additional classrooms will limit student transition between buildings throughout the day. Finally, the bond will allow for additional fencing and security lighting across the district. Voting for the bond issue is Tuesday, September 12th.
over 1 year ago, Rhonda Hockenbury
School safety bond
The main gate will be available for cash patrons to enter. The first home game is September 15th. GoFan ticket purchases can not be screenshots and must be redeemed at the gate. Go Redskins!!!
over 1 year ago, Joe Bob Ross
To expedite entry into the stadium, the side gate will be available for GoFan/Family/Student pass holders to enter.
over 1 year ago, Joe Bob Ross
side gate
Security and efficiency changes coming. The inner gate will no longer be open to parking. Handicapped parking has been added in the main lot by access points. Emergency vehicles need the inner lot to be cleared of traffic.
over 1 year ago, Joe Bob Ross