McLoud Family - Bus 8 will be running late this afternoon. Thank you.
McLoud Family - Bus 4 will be running late this afternoon. Thank you.
McLoud Family - Bus 11 will be running late this afternoon. Thank you.
McLoud Family - Bus 11 will be running late this afternoon. Thank you.
McLoud Family - BUS 14 - This morning, September 25th, bus 14 will be running approximately 45 minutes late for pick up due to a driver shortage.
McLoud Family, Due to a driver shortage buses 3 and 6 will be running late this afternoon.
McLoud Family - BUS 14 - Tomorrow morning, September 21st, bus 14 will be running approximately 45 minutes late for pick up due to a shortage of bus drivers. Thank you.
In an effort to keep our students, staff, and fans safe on game night, McLoud Public Schools will be adopting the following Clear Bag Policy. Approved bags and Items as well as Prohibited bags are shown on the attachment. We will strictly enforce this policy.
In addition to the policy, all fans will pass through a metal detector upon entry to the game. Please leave all pocket knives, vapes, and tobacco products at home. We thank you for your patience and understanding as we implement these new policies and practices in an effort to keep everyone safe on our campus.
Say boo to the flu! Free flu shots on October 14th at the CPN Community Development Center across from Firelake in Shawnee!
McLoud Family, Due to a driver shortage buses 8 and 13 will be running late this afternoon.
McLoud Family - BUS 14 - Tomorrow morning, September 20th, bus 14 will be running approximately 45 minutes late for pick up due to a shortage of bus drivers. Thank you.
McLoud Family - Bus 11 will be running late this afternoon. Thank you.
Make plans to attend an informational meeting for 5th and 6th grade BOYS and GIRLS basketball this Thursday at 6:00! Players do not have to be present but are encouraged to come. This meeting will include coach introductions, tryout dates, practice days and game schedule.
McLoud Family - Bus 9 will be running late this afternoon. Thank you.
UPDATE - Bus 8 will now be on time. Bus 14 will still be running late today. Thank you.
McLoud Family - Buses 14 and 8 will be running late this afternoon. Thank you.
McLoud Family - BUS 14 - Tomorrow morning, September 14th, bus 14 will be running approximately 45 minutes late for pick up due to a shortage of bus drivers. Thank you.
This is a phrase I have heard and used for decades. The saying emphasizes that a child’s upbringing is a communal effort involving many people and groups, from teachers to neighbors and extended family throughout the town. The whole idea underscores the belief that the collective involvement of a community is essential in achieving a certain goal or completing a task, like raising a child.
The purpose of the bond issue was to help secure our facilities and to provide a safer environment where our children could learn, grow, and be successful. Part of the bond was also to upgrade athletic facilities to give our student athletes quality places to practice and perform. Buildings and facilities we could be proud of and could continue to attract and retain quality educators.
Many members of the village passionately poured into this project with their hearts and souls as they could clearly see the impact this bond would have on our district. I would like to personally thank those people. First and foremost I want to thank the members of the bond planning committee. Their vision and commitment to our students and their safety is to be commended. Next, I want to recognize our school board for their support and desire to make McLoud Public Schools a better place. I would like to thank my loyal, hard working administrative team who puts in countless hours each week for the betterment of our kids and staff. I want to recognize our teaching/coaching staff, particularly those who have gone above and beyond to support the bond issue. You touch the lives of our students positively every single day. I want to sincerely thank Neely Conley, Monica Mapira, and Kobi Abbott. You ladies know what you did for me and for the district in an effort to pass the bond issue. You are appreciated. I want to thank those of you who worked behind the scenes to promote the bond and spread a positive message throughout the community. It did not go unnoticed. Thank you to my staff of wonderful ladies at Central Office who support me and give me strength each day. Thank you to Mr. Ross for completing safety assessments of our district and providing a plan to improve safety and security for our students and staff. Your attention to detail for the improvements to buildings and athletic facilities is applauded. Finally, special thanks to Mrs. Drew. Your unconditional love, friendship, and support for myself and McLoud Schools goes beyond measure.
Although the outcome of the bond is not what I wanted or expected, many of you in the village offered your knowledge, support, and friendship throughout this process. You exemplify the phrase, “It takes a village.” You know and understand that educating our kids and giving them safe, quality facilities takes the sacrifice and efforts of everyone in the village. I simply cannot convey to you enough my thanks and appreciation. I hope that our students and staff will recognize your efforts and know there are people out there supporting them.
It would be easy to give up in defeat. However, that is not who I am and that is not who we are as McLoud Redskins. Today is a new day and I, along with every member of my staff, will continue to do our best to be the village that provides a safe, quality educational experience to McLoud students.
Thank you again to those who supported the bond issue.
Mrs. Rhonda Hockenbury
Superintendent of Schools
Pre-purchase tickets for Friday's game. Online ticket and pass holders will enter the small gate North of the main entrance.
McLoud Family - Bus 14 will be running late this afternoon. Thank you.