Message from MJH
Here is the updated quarantine policy for McLoud Public Schools. The policy was approved at the February 10th School Board Meeting.
The CDC continually updates quarantine guidelines for anyone exposed to the COVID-19 virus. McLoud Public Schools will enforce a 10-day quarantine for anyone exposed to the virus and a 10-day quarantine for anyone testing positive for the virus. A 7-day quarantine will be imposed if on Day 5 or beyond a positive test or exposure, the person acquires a negative test. In this case, they may return to regular activities on Day 8 as long as they are symptom- free. A mask must be worn at all times during the regular school day until Day 10. Schools must have proof of both the positive test or exposure date and negative test results. Those testing positive will need to be fever-free for 24 hours and have improved symptoms to return to school. Quarantine begins from the date of the last exposure or a positive test.
Calling all ECC, Elementary, and Intermediate Parents! Did you know that year books are now on sale? Flyers/Order forms went home this week. The cost is $27. Orders are due March 21st. Online ordering is not available at this time. We will let you know when it is available.
McLoud Family - Bus 7 will be running late today. Thank you.
State Testing is quickly approaching. We will need volunteers to monitor at the Intermediate. Please talk with your child’s building counselor if you might be able to assist. They will be available to give you more information during Parent Teacher conferences. State Testing starts April 6th. Thank you for your help and support.
McLoud Family - Bus 5 will be running late today. Thank you.
Good Morning Redskins!
We have faced numerous challenges this school year. Recently in addition to quarantining, we encountered some severe weather resulting in some days out of school. In an effort to assist our students to reach their full academic potential, we will be offering secondary students the option to come to school on Fridays to get assistance from our certified staff. Starting this Friday, February 26th, students in grades 7-12 may report to their current building from 8-12. Students will be allowed to come and go during this time. Meals and transportation will not be provided during these days. We will continue this program as long as there is sufficient participation. We hope students will take advantage of this additional support. If you have questions, please contact the Junior High or High School office.
Attention JH and HS students and parents! 2019-2020 yearbooks are in! Get yours before they are gone! Yearbooks are $65 and will be in the high school west office for pick-up!
Congratulations to senior Elijah Reece for qualifying to the OSSAA state wrestling tournament.
Congratulations to junior Hunter Lowe for qualifying for the OSSAA state wrestling tournament!
McLoud Schools will host Parent-Teacher Conferences this Thursday, February 25th, and next Thursday, March 4th 4:30-8:00. We have also established our make-up days. We will use the following Fridays: February 26th, March 5th. March 26th, April 9th, April 16th, and April 23rd. These will be virtual days.
The Intermediate Book fair has been rescheduled for this week. It will be open Monday-Wednesday 8-3, and Thursday 8-3 & 4:30-8:00 p.m. Our students are very excited.
McLoud Family - Bus 7 will be running late today. Thank you.
Let’s go to London, Paris, Florence and Rome! Early enrollment special until 3/5! RSVP for the informational meeting Wednesday March 3rd.
Congratulations to Freshman Kaiden Cue for qualifying for the OSSAA State Wrestling Tournament! Go Kaiden!!
Please remember that the district basketball games scheduled for tonight have been postponed until Monday, 2/22/2021. Girls play at 6:00 and boys play at 8:00.
Due to continued inclement weather, McLoud Public Schools will remained closed through Thursday, February 18.
Due to hazardous travel conditions and sub-zero temperatures, McLoud Public Schools will remain closed through Wednesday, February 17th. Parent- Teacher conferences will be rescheduled.
Due to inclement weather, McLoud Public Schools will be closed tomorrow, Monday, February 15th.
Due to icy weather conditions and freezing temperatures, McLoud Public Schools will be closed tomorrow, Thursday, February 11th. Virtual learning will not be offered. Stay safe and stay warm!