Sorry, the time was wrong on the first flyer. Parade starts at 2:30 not 2:40!
Finishing up Junior High softball with a big win over Harrah. Great season, Lady Redskins!
Anti Drinking & Driving Assembly
McLoud Family - Buses 7 and 14 will be running a combined route this afternoon. Students may arrive at their bus stops slightly later than usual. Thank you.
Here is the updated route for the senior parade!
Ms. Bacon’s classes building huts to relate to Lord of the Flies!
Attention McLoud students, parents, and patrons! Please show your support for our seniors!
Mr. Paddlety’s Freshman Success classes learning to tie a tie on Thursday! It was entertaining!
Excited about ICAP Career Day and Junior Achievement Career Tour going on at the JH. Let us know if you are interested in talking about your career on Career Day.
Good morning MHS student's and parents! ! We have two virtual Friday's left on April 16th and April 23rd. PLEASE log-in and do the work assigned to you, not only for the grade, but for the attendance. We are still offering tutoring on Friday's from 8-12 for students to come to the building and get assistance or to use the Wi-Fi to complete assignments. Take advantage of this time! Some teachers are allowing late work during this time also. Check with your teacher if you want more information on what they will accept and what they won't! Here is a schedule of the Google Meet times for the next two Friday's if you need help from your teacher. Teachers are also available by email from 8-4.
Good morning McLoud patrons! There will be a plant and yard sale at the High School West building on Saturday 4/17 from 8:00-12:00! Please come out and support!
Time is running out to purchase Prom tickets! Tickets must be purchased by the end of the school day on Thursday 4/15! There will be NO tickets sold after this time!
Exciting things happening at the Intermediate. Today students were invited to come check out Mrs.Murdock’s Focused and Flexible group. Interested students joined Mrs. Murdock, Ms. Phelps, and our partners from Kickapoo Tribe Behavioral Health Prevention Grant to come stretch and practice focusing in preparation for state testing. The students that participated had a great time. We are so thankful to our partners at the Kickapoo Tribe for coming in and helping us find different ways to help our students.
The Intermediate wants to say a big Thank You! to the Elementary PTA for their donation that bought testing snacks for our students and teachers. We also want to thank the Alpha Delta Kappa Epsilon chapter for their donation of cookies and candy for our teachers. We appreciate the support from both of these groups!
McLoud Family - Bus 7 will be running late today. Thank you.
High School Enrollment 2021-2022 Information Code 12912 or search by school or bring cash or check to the high school west. JH and HS yearbook is combined.
Intermediate Parenrs- Online Enrollment for next year’s 4th, 5th, and 6th graders is now open. Returning students who are currently attending McLoud Schools may access enrollment at the following link: Please see the document below for information required to complete the enrollment process. If you have any questions please call the school office.
Enrollment open for 21/22 JH students:
Congrats to the high school baseball team! 66 Conference Champs!!