Intermediate parents, take a look at our November In the Mix!
Intermediate parents, take a look at our November In the Mix!
McLoud Family - Bus 7 will be running late today. Thank you.
Reminder to help us honor our veterans!
Please see the attached image for the Intermediate Veterans Day Assembly. We would love to have our students Veterans attend.
We also have Veteran sheets for our students to fill out and we will be displaying. If your student needs one please have them contact their homeroom teacher, Mrs. Buchanan, or Mrs. Murdock.
Intermediate parents, here are the Breakfast and lunch menus for November.
McLoud Family - Buses 9 and 14 will be running late today. Thank you.
Our cross country runners represented McLoud well today! We are proud of you!
MHS students participating in Trunk or Treat tonight!
FFA Officers on their way to Indianapolis. They got to stop at St. Louis on the way.
Great week at the JH during Red Ribbon Week. Presentations from Gateway to Prevention, door contests and dress up days. Follow our MJH Redskins FB page for more pictures.
McLoud Family - Bus 9 will be running late today. Thank you.
McLoud Family - Buses 11 and 14 will be running late today. Thank you.
Congratulations to our cross country state qualifiers!These young men and women have spent countless hours training to get themselves to this point. We are beyond proud of them! Our lady qualifiers are Elizabeth Maxwell and Trinity Reyes and our guys are Gage Bailey and Santos Lujuan!! They will compete at Edmond Sante Fe on Saturday afternoon!! Good luck!!
McLoud Family - Bus 9 will be running late today. Thank you.
Intermediate 2nd 9 weeks of Focused and Flexible started today. Students enrolled last 9 weeks may still attend. Any new student wishing to join needs to see Mrs. Murdock.
MJH Fall sport pep assembly yesterday and a great wrap up last night for JH football!! Proud of you all!!
If you can't make it to watch the last JH and JV football game tonight, you can watch it online. Please click on the link to watch
McLoud Family - Buses 7 and 14 will be running late today. Thank you.
Important Veteran’s Day announcement for McLoud High School and Junior High!!