McLoud Family - Buses 2 and 3 routes may run late for pickup this morning. Please wait patiently for pick up. Thank you.
McLoud Public Schools is humbled by the generousity of the McLoud Alumni Association. Each year alumni donate to provide much needed items for our schools and classrooms. This year's donation was for $6,550!! We cannot thank you enough for your support.
The last couple of months have been an eye-opening experience to the amount of misinformation circulating on social media that relates to school finance. As part of an ongoing effort to show complete transparency and to provide the public with facts and information, I will be spending 10-15 minutes each board meeting for the next several months to educate the public on school finance. I will then post that same information on our website and social media. If you have questions or would like more information, you can contact me by phone or email. I also invite the public to attend our board meetings which are the second Monday of each month at 6:00 pm.
This month I discussed the three sources of revenue for school districts; local, state, and federal. I went into further detail about local revenue. Last year McLoud received approximately $17 million in revenue, of that total amount $2.4 million dollars was from local sources. Local sources provide approximately 15% of McLoud’s total yearly revenue. We are what is considered a “formula school”. We rely primarily on state funding.
Ad valorem falls into three classifications; real, personal, and public. Everyone is most familiar with real and personal property as those are the taxes we pay for our property. The third category is public service property. This includes refineries, pipelines, windmill farms, and utilities such as OG&E. Last year, OG&E contributed $139,314 in ad valorem to McLoud Public Schools. Over a five year period, they have paid $693,025 in ad valorem to the district. So in addition to property owners, they pay a significant portion of ad valorem to the district. In the event of a bond issue, they are large contributors to repaying a bond.
Millage rates determine the amount of ad valorem a district collects. The average millage rate of all the districts in the surrounding four counties is 24 mills. McLoud’s 21 year average millage rate is 14 mills. It has been in single digits five times in the last 18 years and has only been above 24 mills one time in 2021, when the bond error was made by Stephen L. Smith.
A recent comprehensive study done by REACT EMS predicts our district will grow by 4000 persons in the next 5 years, and the population will likely triple in the next 10 years. As a district, we must begin to look forward and prepare for the future.
I hope you find this information helpful. Next month I will cover state funding. Thank you!
Mrs. Hockenbury
Superintendent of Schools
McLoud FFA had a busy week at the County Fair! The officer team earned a Grand Cahmpion award for their educational display. Shop classes entered three exhibits winning two champion awards and one 2nd place. In Farm Hand Olympics we placed 2nd by 1 second! Numerous students took home ribbons and belt buckles with their livestock. Well done, McLoud FFA!!
Lady Redskins defeat Am-Po 4-3!! More photos to come!
Lady Redskins fall 2-4 to Stroud this morning. They play again today at 3:00 pm!!
McLoud 2nd graders were treated to a Tour of McLoud this morning led by Glenda Kuhn.
Lady Redskins win game one of today's tournament 3-2 over Bristow! Great game ladies!!
NOTICE: JOM Parent Meeting and Application
Today is a struggle. Regardless of where you stood on the bond issue, those of us within the walls of the school see the results as a failure for our students and our district. Yes, I understand many of us do not live in McLoud, myself included. However, we choose to work here and most certainly pay a higher tax rate where we live since all surrounding areas have considerably higher millage rates than McLoud. Many of us have tried to purchase homes here or move into the district, however, housing options are limited and could not possibly support the 230 employees of the district.
To our staff- thank you from the bottom of my heart for everything you do day in and day out for kids. It is not an easy time to be an educator in Oklahoma, yet you come everyday to do what is best for our kids. You give of your time, your energy, and often your own dollars to make sure students have what they need to be successful. Each of you go above and beyond. You are why I love this district and this job. I genuinely have never worked with a better group of people. You showed up today with smiles on your faces to greet kids and face the challenges of the day. Know that you are loved and supported.
To our students- please know that we support you and care for you. We will continue to seek ways to improve safety and facilities. You are our future, and we believe you are worth the investment. Whether it be additional layers of safety/security, building upgrades, or additional facilities, we want all of these things for you. We do believe they add value to your educational experience and help you to be better prepared for the trials you will face beyond McLoud Public Schools. As we have challenged each of you to never, ever ring the bell, neither shall we.
To our families and community- we thank you for your continued support. We value your partnership and are so pleased you choose us for your child’s education. As we move forward, I invite you to get involved. Attend any of our many school events. Our board meetings are held the second Monday of every month at 6:00 pm. You can find lots of information on our school website: You can also download our school app: McLoud Proud. You can email me at: or call (405)964-3314. You can even schedule an appointment and I will be happy to meet with you to discuss any questions or concerns you may have.
Today is difficult, but we will persevere. I am hopeful that in the future we can come together as a district and community to support each other and our students. I hope that we will seek truth and understanding, accepting graciously the opinions of others. I hope that we will set a positive example for our students and work together for solutions that will better our schools and our community.
Rhonda Hockenbury
Say “hello” to two-way messaging and classroom announcements in the McLoud Schools app! With the addition of Rooms, our district app keeps getting better. Parents/guardians check your email or text messages for instructions to sign up and access our new features.
McLoud Family - Bus 6 will be running late this afternoon. Thank you.
McLoud Family - Bus 10 will be running late this afternoon. Thank you,
Bus 9 Riders - The bus should be in your neighborhood by 6:45 tomorrow morning. Please be at your bus stops prior to that time.
Redskin football putting in work!! 🏈❤️🖤
McLoud Family - Bus 11 will be running late this afternoon. Thank you.
McLoud Family - Bus 9 will be running late this afternoon. Thank you.
The bond issue is coming up quickly! Voting is Tuesday, August 27th. Anyone registered and living in the McLoud School District is qualified to vote. Security and student safety are at the heart of this plan.
McLoud Family - Bus 11 will be running late this afternoon. Thank you.