Parents- the earlier lockdown of McLoud Public Schools was a precautionary measure. The lockdown was called due to a police issue that occurred off school grounds. As always, our top priority is student safety.
over 6 years ago, Rhonda Hockenbury
The lockdown has been lifted.
over 6 years ago, Rhonda Hockenbury
Parents- the district is on lockdown per request of the local police department.
over 6 years ago, Rhonda Hockenbury
Due to a bus driver shortage, buses 9 & 12 will be late today. Thank you.
over 6 years ago, Andrew Winters
A huge shout out to all the staff and PTA members for making the Fun Run such a huge success. The elementary students were able to achieve their goal of raising over $10,000 dollars to purchase interactive technology with. Big thanks to the slime victims as well!
over 6 years ago, The Tribe
ice water
Great job Seniors, parents, and Kim Hill!!
over 6 years ago, Rhonda Hockenbury
Seniors show pride and personality to beautify their parking spots!
over 6 years ago, Rhonda Hockenbury
Shipman swings away in game two. Redskins down 2-6.
over 6 years ago, Rhonda Hockenbury
We have the best PTA ever! Boosterthon was a giant success! Rae Lynne was treated to a bucket of slime to celebrate!
over 6 years ago, Stacy Williams
Redskins win game one 9-3 over Bridge Creek Go Redskins!
over 6 years ago, Rhonda Hockenbury
We apologize, an all call accidently went out to all parents in the district regarding tardies. Please ignore the message.
over 6 years ago, Andrew Winters
The following is a message from McLoud Schools. Due to a bus driver shortage, buses 1 & 4 will be late today. Thank you.
over 6 years ago, Andrew Winters
Here's to a great start of the Fun Run! Thanks to all that have supported this fundraiser.
over 6 years ago, Braydon Buzzard
Lunch time!
over 6 years ago, Rhonda Hockenbury
Parents, the McLoud FUN RUN is tomorrow! With only one night left before the Fun Run, make sure to enter your last few pledges on tonight! Our goal is $10,000 for brand new Interactive Technology and other supplies! Thank you again for supporting our school and helping us reach our fundraising goal! We can’t wait to celebrate your students and cheer them on. You’re invited to join us for the fun! The times are: 5th & 6th Grade at 8:15 am Kindergarten & 1st Grade at 9:15 am 2nd & 4th Grade at 10:15 am 3rd Grade at 11:15 am Pre-K and TK at 1:05 pm
over 6 years ago, Andrew Winters!/showSignUp/30e094aa5aa23a0fc1-boosterthon This link is for you to sign up to come cheer on the kiddos, pass out water and mark laps for the McLoud Elementary Fun Run tomorrow! Please show your support! Thanks!
over 6 years ago, The Tribe
The following is a message from McLoud Schools. Due to a bus driver shortage, bus 12 will be running late today. Thank you.
over 6 years ago, Andrew Winters
McLoud HS Softball will make up the Prague game on Monday, August 27 at Prague. Game time is 5:00pm
over 6 years ago, Chris Olds
The High School Softball game scheduled for August 24 has been cancelled.
over 6 years ago, Chris Olds
The following is a message from McLoud Schools. Due to a bus driver shortage, buses 1, 3, and 4 will be running late today. Thank you.
over 6 years ago, Andrew Winters