Power has been restored! All is well!
Power continues to be out throughout McLoud. Buses will run their regular times today, however, if you wish to check out your student to be released, they will not be charged an absence.
McLoud Parents - Power is currently out city-wide, and our school phone systems are down. The city anticipates that power will be restored within the next hour. Thank you.
OG&E is currently working in the area. Power and phones are currently down in the district.
At 7:15 am local police contacted administrators that they were in search of a male suspect near the secondary campus. School officials rerouted buses and immediately put the campus on lockdown. The suspect was apprehended south of the football field. Campus is now open.
McLoud Parents - The lockdown has been lifted. Students will now return to the secondary campus and continue their day as normal. Thank you.
McLoud Parents - The Secondary campus is on lockdown and closed at this time. All buses and secondary students have been relocated to the Elementary campus and are safe. We will update as we have more information. Thank you.
Lady Redskins with the OBU consolation trophy
McLoud High School Gifted and Talented students attend, “A Christmas Carol “ at OU. Sponsors Shawn Singleton and Lisa Plunkett share the experience with our students.
So proud of the Elementary Honor Choir performance at the McLoud Tree Lighting this evening!
Buses 1, 11, and 14 are late today. Thank you.
The Chandler archery tournament on Saturday head been cancelled due to forecast of inclement weather.
Mr. Thompson’s Digital Communications class has new drone for aerial footage of events.
McLoud girls leading Holdenville 25-13 second quarter. #mcloudproud
MHS After School Program had 42 students and 10 adults who enjoyed cookie decorating, watching “The Grinch”, and tutoring.
Senior Parents- It is time for students to be applying for college or career tech as well as applying for scholarships and completing FAFSA. If you have questions or need assistance, please call Amy Bump at the high school.
Due to a driver shortage, buses 1, 6, and 10 will be late today. Thank you.
MJHS 8th grade boys placed 3rd at the Prague Tournament! Congratulations!
Due to a driver shortage, bus 1 will be late today. Thank you.
McLoud HS After School Program next Tuesday. Cookie decorating, Christmas movies, and tutoring are on the agenda.