McLoud High School Parents and Guardians:
If you have not completed the online enrollment your student will NOT be able to start school on August 7th. PLEASE complete the enrollment on our website. Contact the office if you have any questions or need assistance. Thank you.
UPDATED 7th Grade supply list! More to come later!
**PARENTS** If you submitted paper based enrollment paperwork for your child towards the end of school last year you will still need to go online and register your child for this upcoming school year.
Reminder that ECC, Elementary, and Intermediate enrollment is Tuesday, July 23rd from 7:30am to 6pm. You may complete the online enrollment packet at the link listed below. Your time at enrollment will be much quicker if the online forms have been completed prior to your arrival, but we will have computers available to help you complete the paperwork at enrollment as well.
Please remember to bring the required documents to complete your student’s enrollment. For proof of residency you must provide a copy of a utility bill (Gas, Electric, or Water in your name with an address in the McLoud School district) or a completed and notarized residency affidavit notarized from the school administration building at 113 N Main.
Link for ECC Enrollment Form Completion:
Link for Elementary Enrollment Forms:
Link for Intermediate Enrollment Forms:
Kickapoo Tribal Health Center's 2nd Annual Back to School Haircuts is on Tuesday, July 30th from 2 – 6 pm. This year, they are partnering with their friendly neighbors, Dobson Technologies, R.D. & Sons, & Pioneer Library Systems! They will have Backpacks, Healthy Snacks, Games, Hygiene Kits, plus to help families have a memorable day you can have your picture taken in a photo-booth! Supplies are limited. See flyer and call the tribe for more information. This event is a Kickapoo Tribal Health Center Community Outreach Activity and is FREE to the PUBLIC!
Enrollment Links and Athletics Registration for Junior High and High School Students (7th thru 12th).
Enrollment Links for Elementary Campus Students (Pre-K thru 6th).
Secondary Enrollment will continue tomorrow from 11.00 - 7:00 at the High School!
ECC, Elementary, and Intermediate parents— Do you want to get a head startfilling out enrollment forms?
Enrollment is July 23 from 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m.
JH online enrollment forms can be accessed through this link
McLoud JH Orientation will be held on Monday, August 5th. 8th graders and their parent(s) will attend from 5:00-6:00 PM. 7th graders and their parent(s) will attend 6:15-7:15PM. Enrolled students will receive their schedules at this time. Meetings will be held in the Secondary Cafeteria. More details will be given out at enrollment.
FRESHMAN ORIENTATION will be Tuesday, August 6th from 6:00-7:15 in the Fine Arts Building. See you there Redskins!
Parents and Guardian. Time for McLoud Junior High school enrollment. Go to the school website, and access the online enrollment website, (you will need to create a family account). Please complete the online enrollment and bring a copy of your proof of residency (electric, gas, water, land-based phone line) and for 7th graders, a copy of your child's immunization record to the High School East building on July 17th from 7 am to 3 pm or July 18th from 11 am to 7 pm. A TDAP Booster immunization is required for ALL 7th-grade students. If you are not able to complete the online enrollment, we will have computer access during enrollment for you to use. Junior High schedules will not be available at enrollment but will be distributed at Junior High Orientation.
MJHS Supply lists. This list is not complete but wanted to let parents/guardians get a head start on purchasing. Finalized lists will be provided at a later time.
ECC, Elementary, and Intermediate Enrollment is Tuesday, July 23, 2019.
The McLoud School Board meeting scheduled for Thursday, July 11th has been moved to Tuesday, July 16th. The meeting will be held at the McLoud Board Office at 6:00 p.m.
It's that time of year again! Time to enroll for the coming year! Be sure to check the news section of the website to get all the information and forms you need to get enrollment done this year! See you in August!
Be sure to check the News section of the app for the 2019-2020 ECC, Elementary, and Intermediate supply lists by grade! Use it to get what you need for the coming year. See you in August!
MJHS 2019-2020 Cheer at UCA Camp
The High School Office will be closed next week June 24th-28th.