6th grade measuring their lung capacity!
over 5 years ago, Angie Drew
This is cool.
Charting our progress.
And the winner is...
Starts With Hello Week at McLoud JH
over 5 years ago, Melanne Greenwood
Mrs.Halferty and students with our our kind word shout outs.
Great turnout for Parent/Teacher Conferences. Thanks to Lisa Cobb with Gateway’s Healthy Living Program and Nurse Jessica for handing out information and goodies.
over 5 years ago, Melanne Greenwood
So blessed to have Firelake Grocery, Patsy Ford Family and Leah Longest and Shawnee Beauty to donate headphones for our chrome books so our students can hear. So very thankful!!
over 5 years ago, Melanne Greenwood
Patsy Ford Family
Leah Longest and Shawnee BeAuty
Jason Boyce at Firelake
McLoud Parents - Bus 9 will be running late today. Thank you.
over 5 years ago, Andrew Winters
Youth wrestling sign ups
over 5 years ago, Chris Olds
STUDENT SEASON PASS WRISTBANDS ON SALE Student season pass wristbands are on sale in the HSW and JH offices. Passes are $20.00 and will allow the student admission into all McLoud school home athletic events. For more information please contact Chris Olds 405-964-3314 ext 5514.
over 5 years ago, Chris Olds
McLoud JH football and softball play at home today. Let’s go, Redskins!
over 5 years ago, Melanne Greenwood
McLoud High School fastpitch Softball will make up a District game against Newcastle this Wednesday. Game will start at 5:00.
over 5 years ago, Chris Olds
McLoud Family - Bus 9 will be running late today. Thank you.
over 5 years ago, Andrew Winters
Community Renewal brining Locker Leaders to McLoud JH! We are so excited for this amazing outreach opportunity!
over 5 years ago, Melanne Greenwood
Mr. Travis Flood starring locker leaders.
Student Engagement at its finest!!! Great job teachers and students!
over 5 years ago, Rhonda Hockenbury
Ready for parent/teacher conferences at the Junior High.
over 5 years ago, Melanne Greenwood
Handing out Wengage info, grade reports and Impact Aide forms.
McLoud Family - Due to a driver shortage, bus 9 will be late today.
over 5 years ago, Andrew Winters
Way to show GRIT, Junior High Criss Country!!
over 5 years ago, Melanne Greenwood
Harrah Meet
Due to a driver shortage, bus 9 will be late today. Thank you.
over 5 years ago, Andrew Winters
CONGRATULATIONS Kelley Ramirez- Amazing Teacher Nominee!! We are so proud of you!
over 5 years ago, Rhonda Hockenbury
Sophomore Parents/Guardians- All sophomores will be taking the PreACT Wednesday, September 18th. Prepare by getting a good night's rest and eating breakfast. FREE breakfast is served in the cafeteria every morning. Students should report to the Fine Arts Building first thing!
over 5 years ago, Rhonda Hockenbury
Junior High Softball, Football and Cheer have the lead at home.
over 5 years ago, Melanne Greenwood
Junior and Senior students attended a college fair at Firelake Arena.
over 5 years ago, Rhonda Hockenbury