The Homecoming Parade will take place today at 3:00. GO REDSKINS!
Our students learned very important information about Fire Safety. Thank you McLoud Fire Department and Sparky for presenting Fire Safety to our students.
Lady Redskins with the W! Live to play another day!
McLoud Family - Bus 9 will be running late today. Thank you.
And that’s the ball game. McLoud Lady Redskins fall to Purcell 10-3 in the first round of OSSAA regional tournament.
Top of 6th inning, McLoud 3 Purcell 5. Keep battling girls!!
McLoud High School gym receives new sound system!
Gordon Cooper presents to sophomores about various programs available.
Junior High‘s NJHS provides tutoring help M-Th before school and at lunch. Take advantage of this awesome service project.
Homecoming Week Dress Up for the Week. Parade on Thursday at 3:00.
Congratulations to the Intermediate Redskin Pride Students of the Month!
McLoud Family - Bus 9 will be running late today. Thank you.
Art students create pieces from recycled materials.
Anyone out there recognize this McLoud High School legend?
Cross Country running at GCTC today. Elizabeth Maxwell places 20 out of 123! Everyone beat their own personal best and improved.
Congratulations to Grace Cash-Hale and Santos Lujan for being selected as 8th grade September Students of the Month for McLoud Jr. High!
Congratulations to Mylie Benoit and Logan Williams for being selected as McLoud Jr. High September Students of the Month!
Chef Lanham’s reading class had a book tasting party to find books they want to read from the library. Students created book summaries while learning about new genres and authors. So fun!
Hello all, in week four we examine worm snakes, catch up with the weather and sports, get info on our future, and help you with planning for homecoming.
Thanks for the support!