Class Contacts
Please help the Alumni Association keep this contact list updated. Email any updates or additions to mcloudalumni@gmail.com
If you did not see your information listed, we do not have it our database. We do have all classes listed through 2024, but limited information. Please provide your graduating class, name, mailing address, phone number, and email address. Only your email address will be listed on this webpage. Letters are mailed in May for the annual reunion and to register to attend, if we have a current mailing address.
1948 | |
Jo Ann (Beesley) Morgan | |
1949 |
Margaret (Buzzard) Bird | |
Howard Rooker | |
1952 | |
Lonnie Basinger | |
1953 | |
Marilyn (Ray) Boone | |
Wanda (Reed) Castle | |
Joyce Bird Graham | |
Ralph Jones | |
1955 | |
Barbara (Hill) Coreil | |
Ava (Keene) Schomp | |
1956 | |
Betty (Rooker) Behring | |
Patricia (Dean) Ferchau | |
Leonard Jones | |
Lavonna (Basinger) Kinnamon | |
Norma (Briscoe) Lewis | |
Paul Long | |
Richard Mixer | |
Sharon (Deonier) Moulin | |
Madonna (Roughton) Sullivan | |
1957 | |
Emma Lou (LoSawyer) Hernandez | |
1958 | |
Kenneth Basinger | |
Raymond Franks | |
Carol (Stevens) Latshaw | |
Jack Ross | |
1959 | |
Jaqueta (Mauldin) Baldwin | |
Lowell Fogelsong | |
Albert Hobough | |
James Jilge | |
Velma (Ray) McDaniel | |
Edna (Williams) Ross | |
David Russell | |
1960 | |
Wilford Brown | |
Richard Deonier | |
Wilma (Brown) Malone | |
David Rooks | |
Bobby Wall | |
Elizabeth (Shane) Zajic | |
Etta Bourne Basinger | |
1961 | |
Tim Fogelson | |
Jimmy Hood | |
Jack Lucy | |
Jackie (Anderson) Mauldin | |
1962 | |
Jimmy Basinger | |
Virginia (Williams) Dial | |
Jim Jarvis | |
Kay (Robinson) Johnson | |
Travis Mauldin | |
Perry McKinley | |
Carolyn (Basinger) McMillon | |
Larry McMillon | |
Earl Parks | |
Jim Walker | |
1963 | |
Wayne Anderson | |
Joyce (Koehn) Cagle | |
Joyce (Churchwell) Ellyson | |
Joan (Jennings) Jones | |
Marjorie (Murdock) Ketakea | |
Beverly (Major) Laster | |
Marsha (Knapp) Mauldin | |
Jeannie (Cooper) Rhodes | |
Kenneth Smith | |
Chris Tompkins | |
1964 | |
Skip Batt | |
Patsy (Nolen) Burbank | |
Shirley (Smart) Flessa | |
Chris Floyd | |
Bonnie (Murphy) Glover | |
Andy Knapp | |
Judith (McGlathery) Perry | |
Chris Ray | |
Nancy (Loman) Rice | |
J.E. Rooker | |
Harvey Rooks | |
Marilyn (Stearman) Valdez | |
Carilyn (Stearman) Wiens | |
Sharron (McKinley) Brewer | |
1965 | |
Louise (Moore) Amick | |
Paula (Wiegert) Barnett | |
Zella (Lane) Beaty | |
Bettie (Stearman) Besse | |
Eugene Browning | |
Theda (Beil) Fallin | |
Steve Fallin | |
Diana (Walker) Mayer | |
Stanley Mayer | |
Linda (Lasher) McGivney | |
George Palmer | |
Jerry Stephens | |
Delinda (Eckert) Struges | |
Andy Tompkins | |
Virgil Rooks | |
Deborah (Cochran) Price | |
1966 | |
Annie (Petty) Baldwin | |
Jon Barrett | |
Joseph (Delbert) Bennett | |
Gaila (Bruza) Bryant | |
Marshall Bugg | |
Donald Carpenter | |
Joquita (Koszara) Cedars | |
Larry Chamlee | |
Lloyd Churchwell | |
Kindred Crosser | |
Harrell England | |
Virginia Fredman | |
Linda (Underwood) Frost | |
DeeAnna (Shields) Gray | |
Frances (McGuire) Harris | |
Jane (Dodson) Hill | |
Gary Hill | |
Hershal Hobaugh | |
Jimmy Lackey | |
Ila Geraldine (Loman) Lackey | |
Carlotta McAllister | |
Donna (Ray) Rogers | |
Sharon (Wiegert) Ryan | |
Judy (McKinley) Sell | |
Joy (Rooker) Watkins | joy.raley@gmail.com |
Jerry Wright | |
James Wyatt | |
1967 | |
Mary (Reed) Brown | |
Gail (Baber) Hatfield | |
Glenda (Palmer) Kuhn | |
Jack Lisle | |
Phyllis (Ellsworth) Mills | |
Linda (Gatlin) Nolen | |
Joe Nolen | |
Paul Parks | |
Connie (Leonard) Sanders | |
Dennis Shields | |
1968 | |
Marilyn (Jennings) Agee | |
Leslie (Wahpepah) Barse | |
Deborah (Lisle) Drake | |
Thomas Floyd | |
Sylvia (Lempges) Godwin | |
Howard Hamilton | |
Sheriee (Elliott) Hill | |
Mary Lou (Baade) Jennings | |
Mary (Austin) Meadors | |
Marsha (Hill) Parker | |
Danny Snow | |
Phyllis (Hall) Tate | |
Stanley Walls | |
Gary Ward | |
Burl Wilkins | |
Bob Clinard | |
1969 | |
Denise (Cochran) Anderson | |
Michael Arp | |
Peggy (Lackey) Bottger | |
Rickey Brown | |
Charles Eckert | |
Jeanne (Ray) Edwards | |
Helen (Reed) Hames | |
Judy (Shannon) Harrell | |
Gary Higdon | |
Ronnie Kudrna | |
Patsy (Ownbey) Kudrna | |
Kenneth McBroom | |
Gary Reust | |
Della (Watson) Styers | |
Alan Tinsley | |
Susan (Worthen) Walton | |
1970 | |
Gary Akins | |
Ann (Godwin) Fout | |
Pamela Griffin | |
Terry Hamilton | |
Kathy (Palmer) Harris | |
Gerald Reust | |
Kenneth Roper | |
Pamela (Holmes) Roper | |
Kenneth Sparks | |
Reta (Lempges) Sparks | |
Betty (Anderson) Swan | |
Tom Wall | |
Michael Williams | |
James Beeson | leebeejim@yahoo.com |
1971 | |
Sue (Radunzel) Addington | |
Pamela (Weant) Boyett | |
Kathleen (Murphy) Crabb | |
Kathy (Ledbetter) Ethridge | |
Gary Ferrell | |
Timonthy Franklin | |
Deborah (Parkinson) LeBlanc | |
Susan (Anglin) Pierce | |
Keith Rooker | |
Alice (Baade) Smith | |
Beth (Winkler) Thomas | |
Mickey Wright | |
Phyllis (Spence) Loftis | |
Peggy (Ownbey) Troutt | |
1972 | |
Bruce Ferrell | |
Delores (Rifon) Gibson | |
Brenda (Painter) Hembrock | |
Jana (Caywood) Hill | |
Rhonda (Ellliott) Langston | |
Gail (Williams) Lantrip | |
Marylin (Cooper) Long | |
Brad Mauldin | |
Gloria (Carter) McBroom | |
Kathy (Gossett) McLaughlin | |
Deanna (Cochran) Myers | |
Debbie (Wiegert) Myers | |
Jill Rooker | |
Debra (Messer) Russell | |
Patricia (Kozara) Taylor | |
Timothy Wilkins | |
1973 | |
Mark Adams | |
Suzanne (Buzzard) Frits | |
Pamela (Reust) Heath | |
Joseph O'Malley | |
Gene Overturf | |
Gregory Radunzel | |
Deborah (Wallace) Roady | |
David Russell | |
Cheryl (Holland) Yenzer | |
Mike Anglin | |
Linda Sue Bird | lsuebird@gmail.com |
Vicki (Howell) Kevitt | |
Patricia Shomaker | |
Karen (Ward) Sharp | |
Dianne (Magby) Cox | |
Vickie (Smith) Brown | |
Gary Hudlow | |
1974 | |
JoAnn (Cox) Greenwood | |
Linda (Carter) Gugler | |
Edena (Wright) Harris | |
Phyllis Norton | |
Sarah (Reed) Oliver | |
Marla (Wiegert) Sawyer | |
Chuck Sawyer | |
Linda (Anderson) Stevens | |
Sabrena (Caywood) Vadai | |
Steven Whisler | |
James Mitchell | |
Debbie Glenn Lackey | |
Sheila Belitz | |
Robert Billins | |
Julie (Akin) Clark | |
Mike Lucas | |
Tom Nolen | |
Eugene Thornbrue | |
Stanley Mills | |
Iva Lane McAdams | |
Clayton Quirk | |
Debra Godwin | |
Carolyn (Robinson) Chandler | |
Pam (Posey) Flowers | |
Sherri Hudlow | |
Leona (Franklin) Medved | |
Carolyn (Underwood) Perry | |
Verna (Kegin) Poye | |
Carol (Dugan) Stover | |
Susan (Dodson) Vinette | |
Pam (Arp) Schaefer | |
1975 | |
DeLisa (Davis) Anderson | |
Susan (Barrett) Baca | |
Dean Hill | |
Mary (Rooks) Hood | |
Mark Kraeer | |
Terri (Parkinson) Leek | |
Carla (Love) Nelson | |
Susie (Cox) Overturf | |
James Palmer | |
Deborah Parrish | |
Catherine (Brewer) Payne | |
Rodney Rooker | |
Sandra (Wallis) Rooks | |
Gary Roughton | |
Diana (Lawson) White | |
Stanley Lantrip | |
Lona Campbell Merrick | |
Marvin Foster | |
Lucinda (Herring) Brechee | |
Jeannie (Herring) Couch | |
Jimmy Mauldin | |
Warren Lewis | |
Cheryl Murry | |
Charlotte Farrel | |
Jarenda (Carico) Garner | |
Joni (Kegin) Wood | |
Mike Norton | |
Lola (Wendt) Vinson | |
Cordell Woods | |
1976 | |
Joe Anderson | |
Jack Mitchell | |
Paula (Rooker) Russell | |
Rolland Tuter | |
Richard Wakeman | |
Leo Staples | |
Teresa (Godwin) Spinks | |
Tim Geisler | |
Wade Massey | |
1977 | |
Carol (Ferris) Albert | |
Kelly Bales | |
Fred Barnett | |
Mike Bourne | |
Buddy Cagle | |
Rachel (Easley) Dailey | |
Russell Garrett | |
Vanessa (Johnson) Coffman | |
Terry (Murphy) Gomez | |
Paul Harding | |
Gary Hodde | |
Janet (Nelson) Hodde | |
Annetta Johnson | |
Buddy Kegin | |
Jose Matanane | |
Robin (Reid) Mikles | |
LaWanda (Duncan) Mitchner | |
Shirley (Geisler) Miller | |
Denise (Ford) Montgomery | |
Deborah (Cobb) Nida | |
Jeff Palmer | |
Annette (Gilliam) Percy | |
Tonya (Johnston) Puentes | |
Sherry (Privott) Reimer | |
Kellie (Kendrick) Reneau | |
Jeffery Rooker | |
Donald Seaton | |
Cindy Shuffield | |
Brenda (Brewer) Slater | |
Dennis Sparks | |
Roger Spence | |
Kathy (Sprowls) VanScoyoc | |
John Walker | |
Sheila (Phillips) Wells | |
Perry Wynn | |
1978 | |
Brenda (Cox) Hill | |
Donald Lempges | |
Kelly (Campbell) Lempges | |
Neil Moulin | |
Pam (Sissons) Moulin | |
1979 | |
Carolyn (Harp) Ferguson | |
Kent Hodde | |
Ronnie Johnson | |
Martin Neher | |
Patti (Parkinson) Omerod | |
Brenda (Currie) Stroud | |
Kathy (Bowien) Becker | |
1980 | |
Danita Coursey | |
Glen Hanson M.D. | |
Carol (Wahpepah) Harris | |
Lori (Massey) McLain | |
LaDeana (Goddard) Peden | javasue62@gmail.com |
Robert Forehand | |
1981 | |
Jean (Motley) Ramsey | |
Paula (Cox) Vanlandingham | |
Beverly Walker | |
Joyce (Long) Godwin | |
Deborah (Trumbull) Fillioe | |
Sherry (Heath) Guinn | |
1982 | |
Gay (Smith) Reynolds | |
Joy Godwin | |
Kimberly (Adams) Cook | kcook5081@gmail.com |
1983 | |
Rhonda (Woods) Coffman | |
Cathy (Landsberger) Ogle | |
Terry Patterson | |
Dennis Yates | |
Peggy (MacArthur) Artberry | |
Scott Bird | |
1984 | |
Angela (Patterson) Baker | |
Chris Curtis | |
Connie (Wall) Davis | |
Donna (Rowland) Harris | |
Holly (Walker) Keith | |
Darcus (Craft) Pearce | |
Brigitte (Pendley) Winford | |
Krista Colston Basinger | |
Anita Rooker Hardesty | |
1985 | |
Dennis Brewer | |
Sandra Allen) Richey | |
Donna (Cox) Shields | |
Mike Wilkey | |
Wayne Yates | |
1986 | |
Jill (Lucy) Ray | |
Kristy (Cooper) Smith | |
Tracey Coffee | |
Danita (Stogner) Ortowski | |
1987 | |
Melvin Billins | |
Brenda (Cox) Block | |
Tricia (McKinley) Evans | |
Patsy (Campbell) Ford | |
Christy (Brandon) Lytle | |
Dena (Woolf) Moore | |
Nathan Palmer | |
Cindy (Campbell) Compton-Sims | |
Rodney Watts | |
Thomas Funk | |
Melissa (Peak) Bullen | |
1988 | |
Gayla (Florence) Clark | |
John Colston | |
Michelle (Barrett) Goins | |
Michael Graham | |
Russell Hale | |
Stephanie (Anglin) Higdon | |
Mark Patterson | |
Debbie (Bell) Walker | |
Chris Wright | |
1989 | |
Gerad McKinley | |
Traci (Jacobs) Murphy | |
Richard Shuffield | |
Maritza (Garcia) Bonhomme | |
1990 | |
Jason Longenbaugh | |
Karie (Higdon) McKinley | |
Carl Richey | |
John Wall | |
Rachelle Izard | |
1991 | |
Stephanie (Smith) Morgan | |
William Palmer | |
John Utley | |
1992 | |
Nicole (Rose) Lenochan | |
Michelle (Merrick) McRee | |
Semiah (Frazier) Walker | |
1993 | |
Travis Roye | |
Alicia Wright | |
Eric Newby | |
1994 | |
Todd Pool | |
Valerie Hill | vhill1075@msn.com |
Jeremy Christy | |
Chris Jones | |
1995 | |
Nichole (Breeding) Allen | |
Shelly (Whitnah) Atwell | |
Amanda (Burns) Bittle | |
Juanita Gonzales | |
Courtney (Thomas) Harp | |
Jesse Herring | |
Gregory Kuhn | |
Adam Quart | |
Manuel Reese | manuel.reese@gmail.com |
Erin (Sweet) Smaligo | |
Amy (Osborne) White | |
Kylee (Phillips) Voyles | coachkylee@gmail.com |
Monica (Underhill) Hardbarger | |
Devin (Robinson) Shetley | |
Debbie (Stevens) Ryan | |
Starla (Fixico) Stansell | |
Eric Gilbert | |
Stacie Hood | |
Robin Burris | |
Dominique (Delaware) Valdez | |
Amy Jo (Osborne) Tiller | |
Lindsay Williams | |
Greg Kuhn | |
Mitchell Carr | |
Thomas Gauthier | |
Joe Palmer | |
Sean Harrison | |
William Crawley | |
Amy (DeWitt) Harrison | |
Janet (Lempges) Johnson | |
Stacey Freeman | |
Jamie (McGaha) Herron | |
Brad Moody | |
Jason Campbell | |
Virginia (Crawley) Arguello | |
Paul Ketcherside | |
Leigh Ann (Ireland) Kitsmiller | |
Jennifer (Carter) Johnson | |
Stephen Wolfe | |
Becky (Taber) Stripling | |
Kory Wingo | |
Tandy (Brown) Corley | |
Kelly (Courkamp) Jones | |
1996 | |
Tammy (Palmer) Covington | |
Mandy (Williams) Womack | |
1997 | |
Leah Johnson | |
Chris Palmer | |
Jeff Smith | |
Mandi ( DeLaughter) Cox | |
Malissa (McDaniel) Logue | |
Melanie White Denton | |
1998 | |
Deidre Yarbrough | |
Claudia (Belvin) Mullins | |
1999 | |
Lyndsey (Wright) Hause | |
Matthew Tipton | |
Kimberly Walker | |
Stephanie (Morgan) Davis | |
Leanna Murdock | |
2000 | |
Jennifer (Hadding) Akin | |
Amy (Walls) Stone | |
2001 | |
Kristin Bjorkley | |
Lori Henderson Akin | |
Jennifer Campbell | |
Kendra (Lantz) Barrett | |
Amanda (Soward) Jenkins | |
2002 | |
Michael Bugg | |
Joshua Dewberry | |
Corey Colwell | |
Ashley (Abilez) Roady | |
Ryne Roady | |
2003 | |
Brandy (Moulin) Dawson | |
2004 | |
Krista Blackwolf | |
Jay Ellison | |
2005 | |
Jamie Grove Ellison | |
Jessica (Schmidlkofer) Murray | |
2006 | |
Amanda (Provines) Anderson | |
Kori Moulin | |
2013 | |
Austin Carroll | |
2014 | |
Kayla Wessling Renfrow | |
2015 | |
Jarrod Barnett |