Alumni Giving
The McLoud Alumni Association collected from registrations to the All-School Reunion, July 13th , 2024, $6265.00 in donations, which was $1335.00 more than in 2023, Thank You Alumni!! Dues collected were $1745.00, which was $40.00 less collected in 2023. All donations go directly to support the school on where they see their greatest need. The school submits estimates to the Association on items they need outside their yearly budgets. It is therefore voted on by the committee on how much and what we can donate to. Different classes, organizations or items are supported each year. The Association’s main goal is to benefit the most students and provide a safe environment.
Your Dues are used for Operating Expenses. Please pay your dues, even if you cannot donate. All expenses to provide our annual All School reunion have gone up.
The alumni collected $600.00 from our alumnus at the annual all-school reunion, July 13th , for a number of the Girl’s Basketball Team serving the meal. They were also fulfilling a community service requirement. Coach Lindsey Myers was on site and said this donation would allow them to buy some new equipment. Visit the “Reunion Information” tab for the picture.
In 2024 the Alumni Association was proud to give a monetary donation of $6550.00 to provide:
Redskin Screens for the front doors of the ECC building to provide Security for 300
students, 40 staff and promote Redskin Pride.
2 Shade Coverings for outside areas at the Jr/High., which will benefit 300 students, 30
staff and a number of parents that visit each year.
2 Sets of tall tables and chairs use for a Technology Lab at the Jr/High, which will benefit
150 students each year.
4 Laptop computers for teachers to use to provide Google classroom instructions, in the
classroom, etc. These laptops will serve 100 to 125 students, per teacher for 5 to 7 years.
This donation was presented to Superintendent Rhonda Hockenbury and Assistant Superintendent Joe Bob Ross on September 12, 2024 by Greald Reust, Ruth (James) Walker, and Judy (McKinley) Sell.

Thank YOU Alumnus for all of your donations and supporting McLoud Public Schools.
The McLoud Alumni Association can accept your donations all year. Please mail your checks or money orders made out to the McLoud Alumni Association and mail to P.O Box 534, McLoud, OK 74851
If you wish to donate or need to contact McLoud School Foundation their email address is mcloudschoolfoundation@gmail.com. Or to make a donation mail your check made out to them to P.O. Box 802, McLoud, Oklahoma 74851